
New York and Gay Marriage.

I've been hearing that every place I turn.

I had a discussion about it last night with my mom, and of course she's the conservative. She was raised that way; I was raised to have my own opinions. It was just a small little thing when it came up on the news.

Personally, I don't understand why it's such a big deal. I support gay marriage because what is it going to change?! I mean, it's really not like the world is going to fall apart. Nothing is going to change, except that we might have happier people. Don't people deserve to be happy?!

It's strange for me to say anything because I haven't planned on a future. I'm not thinking about kids, much less getting married... But I think everyone should do what makes them happy. I mean, it's in the constitution, isn't it?

Then my mom brought up the subject of kids; I said that there's adoption. We already have so many unwanted kids... why not give them to a couple that desperately wants kids? Does it matter if it's a same-sex marriage? Would I mind being raised by two guys? No, actually. I'm a bit more masculine than feminine, so as long as I wasn't completely tom-boyish.... I dunno. I just don't think it would be that big of a deal. Kids need loving and supporting parents. Sure, it'll be harder to raise a kid across genders; at least at a young age.

Why does marriage need to be defined? Why does religion need to be a part of deciding whether or not people can be happy? It's already hard enough for a lot of people to 'come out', why make it harder for them to be proud and happy? Honestly, who am I to say that you can't get married? First it was interracial couples, and now we hardly bat an eye when it happens. Why can't this be this same thing? I just don't think I fully understand people's motivations.

I also hate it when people bring out the bible and religion when it comes to homosexuality. Honestly, why would God create those kinds of people if he's against them? He's a loving God; he wouldn't create someone he didn't love. More importantly, he wouldn't create someone just to condemn them to the fires of hell.


I'm feeling slightly better than last night, but not really the best. Just gotta keep going, I suppose.

Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to
love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the
-- Romans 13:8

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