

It's the winter ball today... not going. Don't care, anyway. Dances are not my cup of tea anyway.

I guess I neglected to say this in my last blog buuuutttttt.... I have a boyfriend :D. Yepp... very awesome for me.

No, our choir director did not yell at us on Tuesday.

Pretty much a boring week... OH well!



Happy late Valentine's day!

Today ish my mom's birthday. :D.

M... so I have to say what happened on friday (*gasp*)

The choir director (sub) left in the middle of class. He was pissed off at us.... lol. I shall tell the whole story.

Our teacher wasn't there because his son was sick. (:(). So, we had a sub. Friday's are just review days, and that's exactly what we were doing.... for the most part.

There's one song that we only learned the beginning and end. Not the middle. So, the sub tries to teach us the part. But, honestly... we aren't too bright and couldn't figure it out right away, like he expected us to.

So, while we sit there and try to figure out what we're supposed to sing... he's hets all mad at us.

The leader tries to defend us, saying that we're confused and that we aren't sure if we're supposed to be learning the part yet.

The sub takes that as her trying to tell him what to do. He says that he's in charge and a whole bunch of other crap.

Then.... he just gets up, puts his coat on... says some more stuff about how we were uncooperative and rude... then leaves.

Lol. I hope our real director doesn't yell at us on Tuesday... 'cause it totally wasn't out fault.



Maybe bf on horizon???

First "date" Monday night (this choir thing that I was forced to go.... )

But.. uh... I'm not sure. :\

I'd like to weigh out everything in my mind, but I can't right now. I'll probably write a whole bunch of stuff down and transcribe it onto here. So, we'll see.


Mm.... so it seems that I have no life....

I am currently being forced to go to something for my choir. I'm not even participating! But I have nothing to do to fill the time beforehand. :\

Oh well. I still have to convince one friend to go with me and one friend has to convince their parents to let her go. So, we'll see. At least I know one person that I invited it gonna be there.

I spent most of english class writing a poem- and it's not finish yet. XD

I've discovered... I am super polite.

Like, today... I noticed that I always make it a habit to say 'thank you' to the bus driver when I get off of my stop. Hmm....

Probably just the way I was raised. I was raised to be polite, and I'm passive through personality. So... I'm a generally nice person until you piss me off... haha


Apparentleh I'm being talked about.

Hehe. No prizes on guess who. Buuuutt...... .*blush* is all I have to say on the subject. :D

But ya... good day.

Even though I cried.

But hey, it's alright. I feel like, so much better now that I have cried. I feel like... uplifted. I guess I've been holding that in for awhile. I need to cry more... and not be afraid.


Hehehe. *squee*

Mk, so I want to post this last night, but I couldn't. (And not because of the superbowl)

So, yesterday was confirmation class. And well, the guy that was in my post about last weeks... he's basically the reason for yesterday too. Lol

Yeah, we talked like, the whole time... and.. er... he told me that he liked me... *blush* And so, after that... we held hands... a lot. But... eeeee... it was nice. I'm starting to like him. We just get along really well.

I seriously probably have a REALLY good chance with this guy. Seriously. I might just take him to the winter ball the 21st...

Uhm... and yeah.

Today, nothing too special. Just life as it happens. But, of course, the one girl that's in my confirmation class and like, somewhat knows me, just HAS to come up to me and my friend during lunch. EH... good thing I told my friend first.