

SO, my friend is currently telling me how some/ a lot of the guys that flirt with her are like... 16+. I'm wondering if I should call out BS. Meh. Whatever. I could kinda care less.

I say kinda because I... I sort of want someone to flirt with me. I'm not surprised they don't though...

I think I can be somewhat intimidating. Or... unresponsive to the flirting. Eh. *shrug*


Why do I get so depressed when I talk to you?

Why does my mood change almost instantly?

How can a good day turn bad once we exchange words.

How can a bad day turn worse?

How can I be so impatient?

How can one person have such a drastic effect on how I feel?



Oh boy...

Not much has gone on.

I can finally hit a high note in a song for choir...

Uhm... yeah, not much.

I'm sort of enjoying my life. Even if I'm being screwed over...

Like... my glasses got broken/bent today. So I have to wear my spares (which are almost the same prescription) but they still give me a headache... so tomorrow's not gonna be very fun... :\

mm... yeah.



Today proved to be the exception of what I think about my confirmation class.

It's usually pretty boring, but that's because the people I talk to... aren't really that talkative. But they're nice, and they actually talk to me, so it's alright. I'm kinda shy and quiet too....

Anyway... today....

I met up with my friend and kinda talked to er... but overheard another conversation. (well, it was basically 3 feet away from us) and this one guy is talking about how he was in Catholic school for 9 years (I would die!). And so I go like, "I know how you feel, I've been in Catholic school for 4."

And so, like, my friend and the guy who was in Catholic school for an insane amount of time and I go and sit down in our classroom. So like, the guy and I start talking and stuff....

I swear, by the end of class, I totally felt like he liked me. We were split up into groups and we had to present this.... thing. I have no idea what to call it.

And, so after his group goes, he moves his chair next to mine... which he had never done before today. So, I think after we had that spark of a conversation at the beginning of class.....

At the end of class... he's all like, "It feels weird not to carry anything, like a jacket..." And I totally agree, because I usually have a jacket/whatever.

Then he goes on to talk about how I'm one of three girls he knows that doesn't carry a purse. As we're leaving, I'm going on about how I'm very un-girly. haha... very.. er... interesting....


I'm bored.... time for the ipod shuffle game!

Put a shuffle playlist on and go through the songs one by one to answer the questions. Go ahead and copy and paste and do it in your own blog!

How am I feeling today?
"Mood Rings" By Relient K...

Will I get far in life?
"Everlasting Life" by Blue October

How do my friends see me?
"The Feel Good Drag" by Anberlin

Where will I get Married?
"Over Now" by Needtobreathe

What is my best friend's theme song?
"Be rad" by Relient K

What is the story of my life?
"Wake me up when september ends" by Green Day

What was high school like?
"Far Away" by Nickleback

How am I going to get ahead in life?
"Up and up (acoustic)" by Relient K

What is the best thing about me?
"Where do I go from here?" by Relient K

What is in store for this weekend?
"Ready Fuels" by Anberlin

What song describes my parents?
"No reaction" by Relient K

My grandparents?
"American Dream" by Switchfoot

How is my life going?
"Be my escape" By Relient K

What song will play at my funeral?
"I'll get over it (Miss Elaineous)" by Everyday Sunday

How does the world see me?
"Over thinking" by Relient K

Will I have a happy life?
"Burn out Bright" by Switchfoot

What do my friends really think of me?
"Goodbye my lover" by James Blunt

Do people secretly lust after me?
"You" by The Afters

How can I make myself happy?
"Bee your man" by Relient K

What should I do with my life?
"Let it go" by Blue October

Will I ever have children?
"Everything" by Lifehouse

What is some good advice for me?
"Bad Boy" by Cascada

What is my signature dancing song?
"Don't wait for daylight" by Needtobreathe

What do I think my current theme song is?
"Face Down" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

What does everyone else think my current theme song is?
"Breakaway" by Kelly Clarkson

What type of men/women do you like?
"Welcome to my life" By Simple Plan


It's official... God screwed me over today...

I woke up alright, feeling fine.

Run the mile in PE....

In my next class I felt like total and utter crap. I felt sick and just..... yeah. Horrible. My knee was hurting so bad, as well.

Lunch... go to the nurse to get ice and then wrap up my knee.

After lunch I felt a little bit better.

Then I went to get help for my math homework that I didn't get.... then I had to walk home (my knee wasn't hurting, but I still had it wrapped up)

:\ but yeah....


/slight blog neglect

Sorry guys! There's been a bit going on.... and I just needed some time to think about it.

Well, the week was basically fine. On Friday I went to my friend's birthday party/sleepover. Pretty fun even though I was probably the first one to crash. (Hey... I was up at 5:30 that day. I just could not stay up any longer)

Uhm.... on Saturday my sister got a new couch so I had to help her move around the furniture. I had a nap haha. So I was basically exaughsted all of Saturday. Then, after a good night's sleep, I had a good Sunday.

On Sunday I came to my old house because I had Monday and Tuesday off....

Monday I hung out with my friend practically all day. It was super fun. Sold some cookies for my choir..... and not much else....

Then today, Tuesday...

Everyone seems to be making a big deal about Obama's inaguration. I could care less. Just a new president. Big deal.

I'm NOT looking forward to the FOCA that's going to legislative. :\

(FOCA- Freedom Of Choice Act)

Abortions legalized. Ugh. And, I guess being against it except in certain cases (rape, incest, mother or child will die) makes me a bitch... or so says my friend.

Joy oh joy. I don't even know why I'm still friends with her. She's mean to me and I feel like she knows nothing about me. I'm always there for her to talk to me. Gahhhhh

YAY for no school!

Boo for writer's block.

And.... I've just had the weirdest convo between me and my crush....over text-messaging

Me: Hey. How you enjoying the day off so far?
Him: Still sleepin. I gotta go to the hospital at 3:00 arrrrgh!
Me: Oh nice. i was awake at 8 because of a wrong number. y do u have to go to the hospital?
Him: U know what an MRI is?
Me:Yeah. my dads gotten them before
Him: Well I gotta get into one of those hospital gowns, and get into a x-ray tube. How exciting!
Me: Ah *joy* hospitals suck. at least ur not there for more than a day
Him: Well, if i was, i could skip school.
Me: Ha. but its so freakin boring!
Him: Its so freakin' cold!
Me: Ha. just a bit.
Him: ok lsiten! im in my boxers, playing rock band! the guitar is freakin c-cold!
Me: 0.o lol. put on some clothes...?
Him: Imma gonna taaka showa. see ya!
Me: ah k. see ya

Yeah.... totally.... er... weird.



I am way to smart for my own good. I act so stupid... but at the same time.... I'm smart. Like... way smart.

I could do SO much if I applied myself. Like.. oh.. get an A in math!? Gah....

But, anyway.... I got a 28 out of 36 on a practice ACT test (without the essay, mind you).

That's about the same score my sister got when she took it.... as a junior.

I'm a freshman.


Something is very wrong.

VERY WRONG. Oh well. I guess it happens.

My best section...? The science, of course.

*is still wondering how she got a 111% on the final...* (yes it was curved by a lot. Like.... 10% I think? That's the only one that seems resonable. Unless I got points factored in from the game we played before hand.... but still. A very high score)


Bah. It seems like forever since I've posted.

Nothing new.

Got my crush's number. Texted him one day.... other than that.... I haven't gotten closer to asking him out XD


Yeah. I got a book fine taken off from me today. :)

Nothing too exciting. I started health this semester. It's gonna be interesting.

I am seriously weirded out by my friends. And GROSSED OUT.

I'd rather not go into details, but I'm just so... idk. It's weird.

It doesn't help that there's peer pressure involved. But I'm holding my ground nicely and I think I've basically said, in a polite way, "F off!" haha.


Ok, freaky dream this morning.

It starts off with me at my current school rushing to go catch the bus. Except..... it was different. They weren't in their normal spot. AND they had different numbers. So I just go on a bus (that I know is the right bus, anyway). And I sit down. So, it goes and the first stop comes. People get off.... but there's someone that seems familiar. And, amazingly enough, it's who I think it it. The guy that was in my class last year that harrassed me to no end.

So, it's not his stop after all and he looks at me, and we recognize eachother. So he comes and sits with me.... but it an super awkward way that I don't even want to describe. I move away, but everytime I do that, he moves closer. (haha. but that's something he'd totally do in real life!). I'm thinking, "OMG... My cousin is never going to believe this" and "And I thought I was done with him!" (both things I would probably think in real life as well).

But anyway, we get to talking... I don't remember about what, though. But my stop comes up and I'm getting off.... and it's my old house. Like from like when I was a baby-7 years. It was weird. But I just go in....

The kitchen (where I walk to) is different.... I'm not sure if it's a kitchen I've been in before... But I act completely natural. For some reason, I don't have my backpack (my excuse was I left it at school...haha). And I had a lighter on me for some odd reason. (and it was pink! haha). My sister (? I think) and I are arguing about why I have a lighter with me and through the whole conversation she's trying to light it XD but it won't light.

So, that's my dream. VERY odd. I'll come back and pull it apart later....