

YAY for no school!

Boo for writer's block.

And.... I've just had the weirdest convo between me and my crush....over text-messaging

Me: Hey. How you enjoying the day off so far?
Him: Still sleepin. I gotta go to the hospital at 3:00 arrrrgh!
Me: Oh nice. i was awake at 8 because of a wrong number. y do u have to go to the hospital?
Him: U know what an MRI is?
Me:Yeah. my dads gotten them before
Him: Well I gotta get into one of those hospital gowns, and get into a x-ray tube. How exciting!
Me: Ah *joy* hospitals suck. at least ur not there for more than a day
Him: Well, if i was, i could skip school.
Me: Ha. but its so freakin boring!
Him: Its so freakin' cold!
Me: Ha. just a bit.
Him: ok lsiten! im in my boxers, playing rock band! the guitar is freakin c-cold!
Me: 0.o lol. put on some clothes...?
Him: Imma gonna taaka showa. see ya!
Me: ah k. see ya

Yeah.... totally.... er... weird.

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