
/slight blog neglect

Sorry guys! There's been a bit going on.... and I just needed some time to think about it.

Well, the week was basically fine. On Friday I went to my friend's birthday party/sleepover. Pretty fun even though I was probably the first one to crash. (Hey... I was up at 5:30 that day. I just could not stay up any longer)

Uhm.... on Saturday my sister got a new couch so I had to help her move around the furniture. I had a nap haha. So I was basically exaughsted all of Saturday. Then, after a good night's sleep, I had a good Sunday.

On Sunday I came to my old house because I had Monday and Tuesday off....

Monday I hung out with my friend practically all day. It was super fun. Sold some cookies for my choir..... and not much else....

Then today, Tuesday...

Everyone seems to be making a big deal about Obama's inaguration. I could care less. Just a new president. Big deal.

I'm NOT looking forward to the FOCA that's going to legislative. :\

(FOCA- Freedom Of Choice Act)

Abortions legalized. Ugh. And, I guess being against it except in certain cases (rape, incest, mother or child will die) makes me a bitch... or so says my friend.

Joy oh joy. I don't even know why I'm still friends with her. She's mean to me and I feel like she knows nothing about me. I'm always there for her to talk to me. Gahhhhh

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