
I'm never there when it matters most. I'm here to console you when things aren't as bad as they could be. But the second you really need me... the SECOND I could have saved you... I'm not there.

I feel awful.

You say you're better now... but where will I be when you get close to rock bottom again? How will I know that you're OK? More importantly... how will I feel when I know I could have prevented it?

Poem timez?

It's only inches on the map,
But you're a world away.
I start my day while you end yours.
You unwind,
Letting you get an easy sleep.
But I...
I have the day to reflect.

I tie myself down,
Just for you.
I lift myself away
And you call out for me.
But I never hear your pleas.

Maybe it was better, you say.
I say not a chance.
The guilt overwhelms me.
Then anger.
It's not true!

It's not the first time
But it aches the same.
I'm not there when I'm needed.
You're still here
No thanks to me.

It's not right
You're always there for me
Even when it doesn't matter.
I wish I could.

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.
-- Ephesians 4:32

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

Beautiful verse again, and really great poem, but perhaps you need to forgive yourself... you shouldn't blame yourself for something your friend feels. You are there for them, and sometimes life gets in the way of our availability. It isn't your fault. LYLAS, Lizzie. God bless. I hope things get better for you.
