

Life... is life. Ups and downs. But.. UGH! The down came at the worst possible time. Seriously. Bah. Screw it. It happens.

But, I'll start off with the good: I have been insanely slap-happy like, all day today. Yesterday... eh. I was really tired and it showed. I just did not make any effort. But, today, with another day of sleepiness, I just... too tired to care anymore.

I had the hardest time trying to fall asleep last night because A) I gots a humidifier in my room now. Ick. and B) My left ankle, calf and knee hurt so much. It wasn't really sharp, but not super dull. But it was painful. It ached so bad!

And then I was up at 3AM because of something really stupid, but like, gave me a heart attack. I have my ipod playing during the night because it's super easy to fall asleep (well, normally). But, sometimes I get too close to consciousness and I hear and somewhat comprehend the song... and so with this one- I though I had heard somebody with a low... deep... and kinda scary voice say "Yo, Lizzie" (... that seems so stupid right now). But, I swear, it scared me so bad!

But yeah, I calm down and go back to sleep. Then I get up at my normal time... yippee....

Then school comes and I feel good about what I'm wearing, I like it lots. In PE- my team in basketball won! :D (28-14). Awesome. Then in choir... it just was cool and fun. Relaxing-ish. Science... just notes and videos. English... review. Pretty good.Geography... that's where everything turned wrong.

First off, we had to do a review... ugh. Then... my necklace broke. :( I really liked it too. I'm just bad with necklaces. That's the third one I've broken! Anyway, my teacher gets fed up with all the talking... so she assigns us work from the next chapter/unit. whatever. Of course, she basically piles it on... :\ yuck.

Then, a girl's ipod gets stolen. Not a lot of people like her. I bet if most people got the chance to kill her... they would in a heartbeat. I know it sounds bad, but I would do it. :\

So, if the principal has not gotten it back... chances are... we have a police search on Thursday. Haha. That's gonna be fun! /not

Oh well. So it goes.

Life happens. Unfortunately.

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