

It's almost like the end of 6th grade.

Dude... there's a whole big ol' story that goes with it... but for once I don't feel like typing novels. (*gasp!*)

Short version: someone thinks that me and my crush should go out...

But, uhm, ok, yeah I'll be typing a novel.

I've just been thinking, how DO people judge if two other people should be together/look good together. It's like... it's weird. In both of my cases, people have said that my crush and I looked good together. But, why?

Is it like appearance wise... or is it through personality and personal history? I have not really taken the time to think and say if people look good together. I mean, some people, it would be cute because its like they like each other and stuff. But other than that, it's not like I pay much attention to it.

But, of course, I'm the oblivious one of all my friends. I hardly notice anything that goes on around me. It's insane, but I usually just get caught up in my own world. As much as that's not a good thing... it just happens. I often get bored and like to retreat into my imagination. (Which, as we all know is very weird!).

I know I'm not the only one to do that. But I do it more often than most people. And the thing is... I usually have a blank look that people mistake as thinking hard. In reality, I'm barely thinking. I'm one of the few that can think about absolutely nothing. At all. Fear my skills! :P

Ahem... yeah. *sigh*.

I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they think. Like, if you really try and pay attention, you might notice patterns. Like my friend, she thinks in colors. I think in more like, words and text. Like I'm reading a book or typing on a typewriter.

It just might mean that I'm more straight to the point and organized. Or it just might mean that I don't have a super creative mind. Even though I can create AWESOME backgrounds and images with colors that you can only DREAM about. But... it just doesn't translate well.

With words, I know what I want and what I need. I'm organized and getting at my point. Plus, I just LOVE words. They can do just about anything. If used well, they can make you feel emotions. They can make you see images. That's what I like. I love using adjective and stuff. It's so much fun :D

And with that- I have to say...

Chocolates are manly phones. VERY manly phones. You best believe it.


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