
I've been researching. (Yes, I am a dork that way). More specifically, I've been researching contacts. I want contacts. I'm sorta trying to change my general appearance a little bit. (I'm going to get a haircut soon... depends on how my hair grows...)

I kinda wanna get contacts. I'm pretty sure this is the thing I want to do. I just have to sort everything out. First off: Why?: Weeellll, performances (choir, and maybe drama) will be easier. I do not have the glare of my glasses, nor am I going to be tempted to re-adjust them. (And well, not touching your face is a big deal in choir). I won't be bothered by smudges right in my field of vision. I will have peripheral vision. (Something I haven't had the joy of in a long time). I'll look older. (And considering how short I am... Plus, it reflects that I'm a little more mature... or at least, that's what I think). I have pretty eyes! (I, and many others, think this).

(I'm thinking about getting this certain kind of contact lens- Gas Permeable [GP for short]... mostly because that's the one I have the most info on...)

Pros: GP lenses are long lasting, and durable. These lenses have a chance of slowing down near-sightedness. (Which is what I am). They have clearer vision than soft contacts. They allow much more oxygen to pass through than the soft/gel/whatever contacts.

Cons: The GP lenses have a few weeks as an adjustment time. (However, if I get them this summer, I can adjust before schools starts). Contacts in general can be expensive, but if you shop the right brands, it could be no more than a pair of glasses! The care regimen- I MUST be very strict in following it. (I think I can handle it, though). They can tear (well, the soft ones are more likely to).

Sooooo.... what to do?

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