
Huh. So I had my eye doctor's appointment today. Nothing unusual, except, it felt quicker. Probably because I didn't have my eyes dilated, nor did I have my peripheral vision checked. One thing that I can't get used to when I get my eyes checked is the puff of air that they do. That always makes me jump. Always.

Anyway, getting my new prescription was really simple. Took all of like, ten minutes. But yeah... the one thing that my doctor said that REALLY made me happy was that if I wanted to get contacts, I'd be a good candidate. He seriously said that. My eyes are healthy (even if I am going slightly blind :P). But, I'm not THAT blind. My right eye is like.. -4.00 and my left is -4.50. (Or something like that.) It hasn't changed much from the glasses from two years ago ('cause those were the ones that were being compares against).

But when he compared my old to my new I was like, "Yes. Good. Perfect." 'Cause I had noticed that my old ones... things that were a little further away, started to get fuzzy. So, I am happy about my new ones. :D And I found a new style that I like... so, maybe when I get my haircut (D: I needs to grow faster!!) I'll be happy. (Even if I didn't get contacts. Maybe next year.)

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

I'm glad you got your new glasses! They sound pretty epic. 8)