

Today I decided I am pretty. I don't know why it was today of all days... but I just feel it.

I have made a firm resolution to not refer to myself in a negative way.

I honestly don't know what it is that happened. Something just... clicked I guess. I'm just hoping I can carry this on past today... past tomorrow... past this week. If I can feel this way for awhile longer, maybe I'll be OK.

In other news...

I FINALLY SLEPT LAST NIGHT. I crashed shortly after 10, and got up around 5. Not the amount of sleep I normally get, but it got me back into a good mood. I was slap-happy and I guess that made everyone's life better. I laughed until I almost cried... and well, just felt normal again.

The weather has been gorgeous and I'm loving it so much.

I'm NOT looking forward to springing forward an hour, or having to eat fish :/ (lol, not in any way related).

Life is life... and life is good right now.

"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my
ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the
earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than
your thoughts."
-- Isaiah 55:8-9

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