
I think people sometimes forget the simplest things. I'm not talking about like... how to tie a shoe or something- but things that help keep our self-esteem... things that bring us closer to self-actualization. Things that make us complete.

Sorry, my brain has been on psych overload the past few days.

I would go on a rant, but I'm not really feeling in the mood.

It's been forever since I've last posted.... and there's been a bit going on this past month. Spring break, failed SAT attempt, sleep deprivation, sleepover, a depression scare and a fall.

In no particular order;

My spring break started with my waking up on a Saturday at like 6AM so I could go and take the SAT. I never ended up finding the school. I was not in a good mood, to say the least.

My spring break consisted of sewing, sleeping (sort of), baking, eating (LOTS) and burning stuff. It was ai'ight. Until I fell on Saturday.

I slipped in a puddle in my shower, bruised my hip, ribs and arm. I only have my hip bruise left.

I had a startling realization that I may have fallen into clinical depression. I soon brought myself out of that and am fairly OK now... but I wouldn't say I'm out of the woods yet.

Theeeennn.... my friend celebrated her birthday, and so there was the sleepover. It was pretty good, went how most sleepovers go. No one actually sleeps.

Then sleep deprivation has been going on basically all month. I get enough sleep that it's not like I feel tempted to fall asleep in my classes, but it's enough that I have to drudge through my day. It might be time to see a doctor. But, it won't ever happen.


Today I made a decision I regret, and I guess we'll find out if it was truly a bad decision tomorrow.

In other news....

I'm not too sure. Pain has been on and off, more "on" than "off" but... eh. It's life and I'm not surprised.

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it
you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that
the Lord is good.
-- 1 Peter 2:2-3

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