
It's my birthday.

Whoop. De. Doo.

I say this birthday is on par with my 9th birthday. The one right after I moved. My 9th birthday was my parents, my sister, a cake, and a gift.

This birthday was grocery shopping, crappy french toast, three loads of laundry, a book return and choir practice. No cake. No gifts.

Just a bazillion 'happy birthdays' from people I haven't talked to in years/months.

I am a little upset. But it's out of my control.

My sister seems to be more invested in it than I am. But whatever. I've given up.

I know I seem a bit bitter about today. I am.

We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of
his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good
purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.
-- 2 Thessalonians 1:11

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

God counts you worthy of
his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good
purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.