
So it's been about a month and things have changed. My choir performanced went pretty well, no complaints... except it was really long. Confirmation went well... ish. We just had to be there for an obnoxious amount of time.

I had some time away from my sister, which is a pretty good thing. And finals are coming up... tomorrow. I should be studying right now but it's only science... and it's a final that I should do well on. I found out some stuff and I think I can do fairly well on it. However, my math final I'm freaking out about. Just so long as I pass... at this point... if I get a 0 on it, I get a 68.... which IS passing. XP. So, hopefully I do better than that and maybe get a C? Please?

You know, there's probably been a lot of stuff going on but I'm not so sure what right now. Nothing new or exciting besides being an idiot...

So, lets hope finals week goes great and I can have a fun summer with

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your
freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in
-- Galatians 5:13

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