
Life's been a bit funky lately.

Some days... I don't want to get out of bed at all. Some nights... I can't wait to go to bed and fall asleep.

Other days, I'm so happy that I can't even begin to describe. I know what I have, and I'm glad.

Damn hormones.

But yeah... today, Matt said he has hit two days sober (er... druggie... I guess I forgot to mention that... ^^')

And idk, I know he can make the change. I wonder how committed he is, though. I don't want to doubt, it though. I have faith in him, and I wonder if anyone else does. It's so much harder when you only have one person to cheer you on.

But, I think I need to take a lesson from Iroh. I can support him full-heartily and it won't matter if I'm the only one that has faith in him. Maybe he'll see that at least one person is there for him.

(And for all of you who may/may not wonder: I do not like him. Only in an acquaintance way).

:\ Anyway.

Trig D:

Well, I'm getting a taste of what I signed myself up for next year. Joy oh joy. It's not that bad, but still. If I had known I was going to be doing a little bit of trig in 9th grade... ugh. *sigh* Wish me luck!

My friend may have torn a muscle. I sort of hope not, but it's a strong possibility. And I'm the one that played doctor and kinda gave a tentative diagnosis. I hope to God I'm wrong and that it's just a bad strain.

*Sigh* There's this one girl in my PE class that everyone in my group (aka the group she hangs out with) is getting sick of. She is seriously annoying and like, everyone wants to get rid of her. Including me. I know it's mean... buuttt. :\ Erg. She is just a pain! 18 days left of school. Hopefully I won't have to deal with her for more than.... 15 days?

Performances coming up. Eeek.

I have a drama performance late May. Monologue I've been working my butt off with (>< I wanna see how my friends like it. I seriously do.) and a scene which I'm still getting down. Or at least trying to. Pretty interesting.

Then choir... uber soon. Like... a week? Eeekkkkk. Grease. Dancing. Singing. 50's. Uh-oh.

Ah well, so life goes. I'm just super anxious to get out of school and go see my friends that live out of town. ^^ *sigh* 18 looong days.

Oh... and I'm a huge wuss. I won't go into details but... :\ if you wanna know, I'll tell.

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

I hope you do better with the emotional/hormone thing. *hug*

And as for Matt... I hope and pray he gets clean/sober soon and well. It must be really hard. :(

And I hope your friend is okay! D:

And your performance goes well. *hug*

Everything will be alright, Liz. :)