
So, I'm in college now. It's been on heck of a ride already.

I'm in some good classes. All of them I should be able to pass. Some of them I don't like so much, but that's okay. I should be able to get through this semester without losing my mind completely. I've already started doing so, to be honest. I had a very lovely emotional/mental break down this past weekend and it was not very good.

But I've met some fabulous people and we've been named "the herd" due to our rather large size. No joke, we encompass a good chunk of people. A few are more 'central' than others, but that's just how it goes.

I was going to have an awesome post about stuff in general, but I guess it's all beginning to blend together for me. I'm enjoying dorm life for the most part. Nothing too bad happening besides pure craziness in college life. So yeah. Life.

Also the crazy 3:1 guy:girl ratio hit me hard and I practically have a boy friend. So yeah. Life.

I'm staying at college for the weekend and it's gonna be tough because next to no one is going to be here with me. Oh well.

No verse today because college wi-fi can be a bit eccentric and slow. I am afraid to try opening my e-mail and finding a verse. So I love all of you and hope a glorious Labor Day weekend is in store!

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

:) You make me smile, Lizzie wifey dearest. :) This IS a wild ride! *hug* I know you'll adjust to this. And yay boyfriend? :) I hope we can talk soon. Love you, friend.