Good Year
Full of laughs, friends, family and good memories.
I hardly remember the year (I blame bad memory). But still..... awesome, rockin' totally cool year.
I met new friends, and I got to spend some quality time with the fam.
I don't think there's anything I would change. It has been a pretty fantastic year, and I can't wait for '09. It'll be so much fun! :D
7 minutes left. My list of resolutions:
1) Stop Procrastinating
2) Lose Weight
3) Accept myself for who I am
4) Either get my crush or at least let him know I like him
5) Try harder in math
6) Be more productive! (aka, stop spending so much time on the comp!)
7) Get in control of my anger
8) Open up!
and the magical nubmer 9:
Be as optimistic as possible!
3 more min, and I hope that these can last. They seem to be big goals for me, but I think I can do it. *sigh* Almost '09.
2 more min.
I can't believe it. So many things to relive. So much to look forward to. So much to work on. So much to be happy about.
There are some things in life that I take for granted.
And I think number one is family.
I had my brother and sister over for Christmas... It was awesome having them over. Since I hardly ever see my brother, I was just having so much fun with him over. He is cool for a 28-year old. Maybe I'm being biased 'cause he's my bro. :P
But, I am SUPER tired from not sleeping.... because I had to share a bed with my sis. oh well. it happens and I can get rested tonight. Hopefully...
haha. Yeah... it's just... yeah...
I'm conflicted. I have the advice from..... 4 girls and one guy. lol. You'd think that I would have enough... but... nope. I still have no freakin' clue!
And I think number one is family.
I had my brother and sister over for Christmas... It was awesome having them over. Since I hardly ever see my brother, I was just having so much fun with him over. He is cool for a 28-year old. Maybe I'm being biased 'cause he's my bro. :P
But, I am SUPER tired from not sleeping.... because I had to share a bed with my sis. oh well. it happens and I can get rested tonight. Hopefully...
haha. Yeah... it's just... yeah...
I'm conflicted. I have the advice from..... 4 girls and one guy. lol. You'd think that I would have enough... but... nope. I still have no freakin' clue!
Many things... many things
I shall start off with..... Monday....
Full day, review for finals... nothin special
Tuesday... snow day. Went over to a friends, make rice krispie treats and made a mountain dew tree for our choir teacher....
Wednesday- finals start. Choir and Science for me. Science was pretty good....long, but good. Then choir, we took our test advisory and had a party during the actual period we were supposed to test in....
Thursday- PE and English. PE... I didn't really try because I was shaken up by my friend the day before... "lost" my friend during lunch.... haha. So me and my other friend just look for him and talk. We introduce her to our inside joke. It's great...
Then today.... Math and Geography. A whirlwind of emotions... ups and downs... just everything. :\ I dunno... is was weird... *shrug*
I was happy with my finals being over and having my vacation... and I got to have some fun during lunch with my guy friends. Totally amazing to mess with... MBGF (my best guy friend).
Mm... then I was walking home with my friend and another person... who is kinda my friend but can get on my nerves a lot... :\ but yeah, my good mood was like, totally wiped out when we were walking... it sucked.
But I got to my friend's house, and soon... we were having a blast. It was great making cookies and stuff. :)
I stayed there for most of the day and just... so many stories and memories... I... I loved it.
After dinner we were talking about how I'm in health next semester and my friend... she was pretty shaken up by a lot of the stuff that happened in that class. So her mom was telling me that you can request a different cirriculum... and that I can go to her for anything in that class.
I wanna try it out, but in the end I think I'm going to opt out. Sure, it'll suck to not be with my friends (unless they opt out, too).... but I think it's the lesser of two evils....
OH! Funny thing...
My friend and I were having a poking war with straws... I got THREE CUTS that drew blood in my hands. Two are on the same finger... so I have a total of four cuts on one finger!!
Final's grades: Math- 84 (pretty darn good for me!), PE- No clue (don't care anyways), Choir- 9something or other (It's an A...), Science- No clue (hope it's good though), English-91 (just barely), Geography- 92!!!!!!!
I shall start off with..... Monday....
Full day, review for finals... nothin special
Tuesday... snow day. Went over to a friends, make rice krispie treats and made a mountain dew tree for our choir teacher....
Wednesday- finals start. Choir and Science for me. Science was pretty good....long, but good. Then choir, we took our test advisory and had a party during the actual period we were supposed to test in....
Thursday- PE and English. PE... I didn't really try because I was shaken up by my friend the day before... "lost" my friend during lunch.... haha. So me and my other friend just look for him and talk. We introduce her to our inside joke. It's great...
Then today.... Math and Geography. A whirlwind of emotions... ups and downs... just everything. :\ I dunno... is was weird... *shrug*
I was happy with my finals being over and having my vacation... and I got to have some fun during lunch with my guy friends. Totally amazing to mess with... MBGF (my best guy friend).
Mm... then I was walking home with my friend and another person... who is kinda my friend but can get on my nerves a lot... :\ but yeah, my good mood was like, totally wiped out when we were walking... it sucked.
But I got to my friend's house, and soon... we were having a blast. It was great making cookies and stuff. :)
I stayed there for most of the day and just... so many stories and memories... I... I loved it.
After dinner we were talking about how I'm in health next semester and my friend... she was pretty shaken up by a lot of the stuff that happened in that class. So her mom was telling me that you can request a different cirriculum... and that I can go to her for anything in that class.
I wanna try it out, but in the end I think I'm going to opt out. Sure, it'll suck to not be with my friends (unless they opt out, too).... but I think it's the lesser of two evils....
OH! Funny thing...
My friend and I were having a poking war with straws... I got THREE CUTS that drew blood in my hands. Two are on the same finger... so I have a total of four cuts on one finger!!
Final's grades: Math- 84 (pretty darn good for me!), PE- No clue (don't care anyways), Choir- 9something or other (It's an A...), Science- No clue (hope it's good though), English-91 (just barely), Geography- 92!!!!!!!
Oh finals, how I love thee.
Next week is finals week and boy, do I have to start and study!!! I'm making vocab cards for english, then printing old tests and keys for science, scanning over notes from geography (not this weekend, though), and doing a review for English, then there's math....
Phew. It's a good bit.
But, onto some funny things that have happened....
My PE class got out early, so we're waiting in the foyer... and one of my friends starts talking about how it'd be cool if there was a sport like volleyball that you had to hit the ball with your stomach...
So, my other friend (a guy, btw) goes and does that... and lands flat on his butt. As he and I are walking to our next class he goes, "Ow.." and I say, "Yeah, I heard the thud." LOL
Then.... OH!
My friends and I go and play cards in the library. We're playing spoons (with pencils) and we all basically dive for a pencil... lol
Going to our next class, one friend told me that one flew into their jacket sleeve. haha....
I. Can. Only. Take. So. Much.
Next week is finals week and boy, do I have to start and study!!! I'm making vocab cards for english, then printing old tests and keys for science, scanning over notes from geography (not this weekend, though), and doing a review for English, then there's math....
Phew. It's a good bit.
But, onto some funny things that have happened....
My PE class got out early, so we're waiting in the foyer... and one of my friends starts talking about how it'd be cool if there was a sport like volleyball that you had to hit the ball with your stomach...
So, my other friend (a guy, btw) goes and does that... and lands flat on his butt. As he and I are walking to our next class he goes, "Ow.." and I say, "Yeah, I heard the thud." LOL
Then.... OH!
My friends and I go and play cards in the library. We're playing spoons (with pencils) and we all basically dive for a pencil... lol
Going to our next class, one friend told me that one flew into their jacket sleeve. haha....
I. Can. Only. Take. So. Much.
I know I say this a lot... but I LOVE my friends. They provide some of the greatest times... like, ever. lol.
mmm... So today I go to finish my math test during lunch and I see two of my friends going where I am. So I follow them and once I catch up, I get my other friend and we go to the library to play cards... and one does homework.
But the thing is... neither I nor one guy finished our lunches... so we basically eat in the library. Haha. That was great. It was probably the smallest lunch I have ever had.
I think the funniest part was when we were getting ready to leave.....
Well, first off I should explain that the guy was eating pizza and... put it in his jacket.... lol.
So, the bell rings for us to leave and he takes the plate out oh his jacket... but the pizza's not in there. So he goes, "Where'd it go?"
And, at that point I'm laughing. And then I guess it moves in his sleeve and he does, "That's the pizza"....
Aha, need to say anymore? :P
mmm... So today I go to finish my math test during lunch and I see two of my friends going where I am. So I follow them and once I catch up, I get my other friend and we go to the library to play cards... and one does homework.
But the thing is... neither I nor one guy finished our lunches... so we basically eat in the library. Haha. That was great. It was probably the smallest lunch I have ever had.
I think the funniest part was when we were getting ready to leave.....
Well, first off I should explain that the guy was eating pizza and... put it in his jacket.... lol.
So, the bell rings for us to leave and he takes the plate out oh his jacket... but the pizza's not in there. So he goes, "Where'd it go?"
And, at that point I'm laughing. And then I guess it moves in his sleeve and he does, "That's the pizza"....
Aha, need to say anymore? :P
Ugh. More snow. Thankfully it did not stick. I just cannot stand snow. Honestly... I just can't. And most people don't understand. :\. Oh well.
Mmm.... let's see...
Oh! I basically told my guy friend/crush like, my biggest... secret (I guess you could call it that) yesterday. It was so natural and... just easy to say it. I hadn't planned to tell him anytime soon, but I figured, I'm OK with it, and it related to the conversation we had...
But I'd rather NOT release the details to the interwebs for anyone to see. It's still personal, no matter how many people I tell. It's always there and part of my past. I've grown from it, and I'm like, a total 180 from then.
But it was funny, walking to science with my friend. I did not feel well (completely tired and crabby and somewhat depressed) and we were talking about how her english teacher said, "Come to class everyday except if you're dying" and so I go, "Well, we're all dying" and then my guy friend is like, just a few feet ahead of us and like, does a fake dramatic death... and I'm all, "Thanks for eavesdropping" (Kidding, of course) and go, "But, seriously, every second we get closer to our deaths" and then I realize... that was really emo and depressing... which results in the whole, "Wow...that was emo." by like, all of us.
But yeah....
Oh... and yesterday I was told that I have a good taste in music... wow...
I have so much I could be/should be doing... like English homework... geography vocab... study for science, study for PE... *headdesk* dude... too much
Sometimes I just get sick and tired of helping my friend with her life and guy problems... just... UGH.
:\ I like helping people with their problems, but she is just so freakin' stubborn about it! It seems like I can't do anything to help. I just can't. I HATE it. I just wanna stop helping her and have a conversation that does not mention ANY guys. HELP ME GOD PLEASE!
Mmm.... let's see...
Oh! I basically told my guy friend/crush like, my biggest... secret (I guess you could call it that) yesterday. It was so natural and... just easy to say it. I hadn't planned to tell him anytime soon, but I figured, I'm OK with it, and it related to the conversation we had...
But I'd rather NOT release the details to the interwebs for anyone to see. It's still personal, no matter how many people I tell. It's always there and part of my past. I've grown from it, and I'm like, a total 180 from then.
But it was funny, walking to science with my friend. I did not feel well (completely tired and crabby and somewhat depressed) and we were talking about how her english teacher said, "Come to class everyday except if you're dying" and so I go, "Well, we're all dying" and then my guy friend is like, just a few feet ahead of us and like, does a fake dramatic death... and I'm all, "Thanks for eavesdropping" (Kidding, of course) and go, "But, seriously, every second we get closer to our deaths" and then I realize... that was really emo and depressing... which results in the whole, "Wow...that was emo." by like, all of us.
But yeah....
Oh... and yesterday I was told that I have a good taste in music... wow...
I have so much I could be/should be doing... like English homework... geography vocab... study for science, study for PE... *headdesk* dude... too much
Sometimes I just get sick and tired of helping my friend with her life and guy problems... just... UGH.
:\ I like helping people with their problems, but she is just so freakin' stubborn about it! It seems like I can't do anything to help. I just can't. I HATE it. I just wanna stop helping her and have a conversation that does not mention ANY guys. HELP ME GOD PLEASE!
Friday was totally awesome! There was a pep rally 'cause our football team got into the state championships... (we lost though). So I got to miss a good portion of my first period and shortened second period... then for third, headed over to the dress rehearsal.
It was really cool and I'm happy that I got to go! It was fun.... but we got back in time to go to 6th period-which we were originally going to miss.... but I went ahead and ditched because I was excused from that class anyway. :D and I got to rub it in one friend's face... ('cause I went to go get a book to study for a test [I did not study, btw] and so... my locker is right by that class....)
And then I walked home with a friend and went over to her house and had some fun. I got to burn off some energy because I was SO hyper! I am not kidding you, I could not have stayed still... and I got to run which I think totally burned out some energy...
mmm then.... I got home... and... my niece and sister were home! I never get to see them, so it was great having them over. And my niece is a little energy ball! And she's TINY! Dude... she totally takes after me with the shortness, cold hands.... and I would love to believe eyes... ('cause they are CUTE!)
Then, yesterday... was the choir performance. I did not have any butterflies. At all. That's a first, I always have butterflies before I perform... :\
But I heard my little niece laughing once or twice while I was on stage... and it was great to have a good portion of my family there to see me. :) I loved it! But, eventually, my parents and nice went because she was getting very tired and fussy... but she had the best timing with her laughs. :P
Mmm.... yeah, so we stayed to the end... and by that time (10:00) I was tired and ready to go home...
Then today... ugh... the tiredness got to me... and so I was kinda snippy, but I guess I'll live. Things have been really awesomely awesome!
Friday was totally awesome! There was a pep rally 'cause our football team got into the state championships... (we lost though). So I got to miss a good portion of my first period and shortened second period... then for third, headed over to the dress rehearsal.
It was really cool and I'm happy that I got to go! It was fun.... but we got back in time to go to 6th period-which we were originally going to miss.... but I went ahead and ditched because I was excused from that class anyway. :D and I got to rub it in one friend's face... ('cause I went to go get a book to study for a test [I did not study, btw] and so... my locker is right by that class....)
And then I walked home with a friend and went over to her house and had some fun. I got to burn off some energy because I was SO hyper! I am not kidding you, I could not have stayed still... and I got to run which I think totally burned out some energy...
mmm then.... I got home... and... my niece and sister were home! I never get to see them, so it was great having them over. And my niece is a little energy ball! And she's TINY! Dude... she totally takes after me with the shortness, cold hands.... and I would love to believe eyes... ('cause they are CUTE!)
Then, yesterday... was the choir performance. I did not have any butterflies. At all. That's a first, I always have butterflies before I perform... :\
But I heard my little niece laughing once or twice while I was on stage... and it was great to have a good portion of my family there to see me. :) I loved it! But, eventually, my parents and nice went because she was getting very tired and fussy... but she had the best timing with her laughs. :P
Mmm.... yeah, so we stayed to the end... and by that time (10:00) I was tired and ready to go home...
Then today... ugh... the tiredness got to me... and so I was kinda snippy, but I guess I'll live. Things have been really awesomely awesome!
Duuuuuudee...... It's almost Firday! YES!
I am so excited for Friday. I get to miss most of school... for a dress rehearsal for my school's choir! It's going to be totally awesome. AND, that day, we have a pep rally for the football team. :D AND my sister and niece are coming. AND I believe that day I'm getting picked up.
Today... I felt tall. But, sadly, I was only average height. Yepp, I wore three inch wedges to school. I would so do it again tomorrow just to stand next to my tall guy friend and see his reaction. :P
I felt like a total hippie in choir today. Because I had taken off my shoes (we were playing a game that required running.... I'd rather be alive and not hurt, thank you very much). And the fact that I was wearing nice loooong light wash jeans... and a green shirt with a whole bunch of stuff that would be classified as 'tree hugger'....
If only I was wearing a peace sign and wearing my hair down. LOL.
Tomorrow's Thursday... *joy* Well, it's not TOO bad. I'm just waiting... Friday... come.... now!
I am so excited for Friday. I get to miss most of school... for a dress rehearsal for my school's choir! It's going to be totally awesome. AND, that day, we have a pep rally for the football team. :D AND my sister and niece are coming. AND I believe that day I'm getting picked up.
Today... I felt tall. But, sadly, I was only average height. Yepp, I wore three inch wedges to school. I would so do it again tomorrow just to stand next to my tall guy friend and see his reaction. :P
I felt like a total hippie in choir today. Because I had taken off my shoes (we were playing a game that required running.... I'd rather be alive and not hurt, thank you very much). And the fact that I was wearing nice loooong light wash jeans... and a green shirt with a whole bunch of stuff that would be classified as 'tree hugger'....
If only I was wearing a peace sign and wearing my hair down. LOL.
Tomorrow's Thursday... *joy* Well, it's not TOO bad. I'm just waiting... Friday... come.... now!
Oh the power of friends.
I am not kidding. It's so awesome to be able to have friends who will make you smile and laugh without knowing it, or even trying. That is why I love my friends...
What started off as a bad-ish day, turned into something really nice. I just... I don't know. Something happened.... ok, well, in geography, our class got moved. Finally. Even though we only have like two or three weeks left in the class... I got moved to a table with my friend, and another friend is sitting right behind me. So, bad idea on the teacher's part, but, totally not complaining.
Also in geography, we had to do a poster individually about a section in the chapter... and we have to present. When it comes time to present, we have to line up with the group that did the same section. And then we present in a certain order.
So, it comes time for the section that I did to present. Of course, luck has it, I'm the only girl. Of course, the teacher decides that I should go first. *rolls eyes* I turned so red, I could feel it.
The thing is, I hate public speaking, but I'm somewhat OK at it. Better than most, I guess. Since most people don't like public speaking, she decides to make it as short as possible-you don't have to talk for more than 15 seconds.
I start.... and I just keep on going. I'm sure I was closer (or even passed) the 15 second mark... But the thing is, once I start talking, I can't stop. But, the first impression I give out probably doesn't reflect that. And, you can obviously see with how much I type in my blogs! Lol.
Hmm.... oh! And that brings me to thinking about first impressions.
I remember the first week of school I thought that the girl I sit next to in science was like, really mean. But, now getting to know her... we haven't changed spots! :D
And.... that's the only first impression I can think of. Every other friend just flowed seamlessly in with no impressions or anything. I guess I either have an open mind, or I'm just really forgetful.
I find that my first impression is misleading. Sort of. I think that when you first meet me, you'll think of me as the smart, goody-two shoes, shy, quiet girl. While, that is half true- everything changes once you get to know me.
Once you get to know me, you see that... I lack common sense and I tend to do stupid things. I don't mind if people have a laugh at my expense. I usually find those things funny too. I am a goody-two shoes. But not horrible. I DO let people cheat off my papers... I DO cuss a little. But, that's about it.... I am shy when meeting people for the first time. It just... it just happens. I can't dive headfirst into a friendship, it seems. And quiet.... I am anything but when you get a conversation going one-on-one with me. You can't get me to shut up. :P
Blarg. My ipod is not being cool :( I tried to fix it, and I thought I had it.... then it kinda broke my spirits! OH well, at least it still plays and if it still refuses to be nice tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell someone....
I am not kidding. It's so awesome to be able to have friends who will make you smile and laugh without knowing it, or even trying. That is why I love my friends...
What started off as a bad-ish day, turned into something really nice. I just... I don't know. Something happened.... ok, well, in geography, our class got moved. Finally. Even though we only have like two or three weeks left in the class... I got moved to a table with my friend, and another friend is sitting right behind me. So, bad idea on the teacher's part, but, totally not complaining.
Also in geography, we had to do a poster individually about a section in the chapter... and we have to present. When it comes time to present, we have to line up with the group that did the same section. And then we present in a certain order.
So, it comes time for the section that I did to present. Of course, luck has it, I'm the only girl. Of course, the teacher decides that I should go first. *rolls eyes* I turned so red, I could feel it.
The thing is, I hate public speaking, but I'm somewhat OK at it. Better than most, I guess. Since most people don't like public speaking, she decides to make it as short as possible-you don't have to talk for more than 15 seconds.
I start.... and I just keep on going. I'm sure I was closer (or even passed) the 15 second mark... But the thing is, once I start talking, I can't stop. But, the first impression I give out probably doesn't reflect that. And, you can obviously see with how much I type in my blogs! Lol.
Hmm.... oh! And that brings me to thinking about first impressions.
I remember the first week of school I thought that the girl I sit next to in science was like, really mean. But, now getting to know her... we haven't changed spots! :D
And.... that's the only first impression I can think of. Every other friend just flowed seamlessly in with no impressions or anything. I guess I either have an open mind, or I'm just really forgetful.
I find that my first impression is misleading. Sort of. I think that when you first meet me, you'll think of me as the smart, goody-two shoes, shy, quiet girl. While, that is half true- everything changes once you get to know me.
Once you get to know me, you see that... I lack common sense and I tend to do stupid things. I don't mind if people have a laugh at my expense. I usually find those things funny too. I am a goody-two shoes. But not horrible. I DO let people cheat off my papers... I DO cuss a little. But, that's about it.... I am shy when meeting people for the first time. It just... it just happens. I can't dive headfirst into a friendship, it seems. And quiet.... I am anything but when you get a conversation going one-on-one with me. You can't get me to shut up. :P
Blarg. My ipod is not being cool :( I tried to fix it, and I thought I had it.... then it kinda broke my spirits! OH well, at least it still plays and if it still refuses to be nice tomorrow, I'm gonna have to tell someone....
I am thankful
Thankful for my life
Without it, I could not enjoy
Enjoy my friends, family and good health
(for- those things I am thankful for, too)
Thankful for laughter and happiness
Without, I would never be the person I am
Thankful for music
For, without it, I would have no joy
Thankful for my family
Without them, I would be lonely
Lonely, and sad
Thankful for my friends
If I didn't have them,
then who knows where'd I be?
Thankful, most of all, for
Without him,
I would not be here
I would no be able to give thanks
I am thankful
Thankful for everything
Everything I have in my life
Happy Thanksgiving (even if it is late, coming from me). I hope it was a wonderful one, and full of great times. :)
Thankful for my life
Without it, I could not enjoy
Enjoy my friends, family and good health
(for- those things I am thankful for, too)
Thankful for laughter and happiness
Without, I would never be the person I am
Thankful for music
For, without it, I would have no joy
Thankful for my family
Without them, I would be lonely
Lonely, and sad
Thankful for my friends
If I didn't have them,
then who knows where'd I be?
Thankful, most of all, for
Without him,
I would not be here
I would no be able to give thanks
I am thankful
Thankful for everything
Everything I have in my life
Happy Thanksgiving (even if it is late, coming from me). I hope it was a wonderful one, and full of great times. :)
Ninja skills, oh yeah!
So, I manage to get floor burn... It's nice and red. But right now, it doesn't burn, so that's like, totally awesome. I don't even know how I got it so bad. Oh well. It happens to me... a lot.
I noticed, I do a lot of weird things when I'm bored. Like, I'll clean/organize my room. (It's practically spotless right now...), I read, I bake, I doodle... everything but like, video games and stuff. Lol.
Last night, I was bored and wanted to do something nice for my friends today... so I baked sugar cookies. :D. Basically everyone liked them, like, a lot. And, I thought they were pretty good myself, so I look forward to baking them again.
No math homework! Yes! I seriously do not like math homework. Ugh. Oh well. And, what little notes I had for geography are done right now. It's gonna be an awesome Thanksgiving weekend. I have so much to be thankful for, it's awesome.
So, I manage to get floor burn... It's nice and red. But right now, it doesn't burn, so that's like, totally awesome. I don't even know how I got it so bad. Oh well. It happens to me... a lot.
I noticed, I do a lot of weird things when I'm bored. Like, I'll clean/organize my room. (It's practically spotless right now...), I read, I bake, I doodle... everything but like, video games and stuff. Lol.
Last night, I was bored and wanted to do something nice for my friends today... so I baked sugar cookies. :D. Basically everyone liked them, like, a lot. And, I thought they were pretty good myself, so I look forward to baking them again.
No math homework! Yes! I seriously do not like math homework. Ugh. Oh well. And, what little notes I had for geography are done right now. It's gonna be an awesome Thanksgiving weekend. I have so much to be thankful for, it's awesome.
It's days like this where I wonder how my sister and I are related. Honestly... :\
Earlier, I was just kinda like... amused. 'Cause when she's sleep deprived... it's funny. I'll admit it. It's also weird and embarrassing. Haha.
Then it's times like this where I'm pissed off at her. I'll admit... I don't do much around the house. But if she asks, I'll do *most* things. If I'm actually capable of doing it.
But... erg... when she just gets on my case about things... like just now, cooking garlic bread. *rolls eyes* Five freakin' minutes. All it needs. I don't even like it when it's in for five minutes. I like it better if it's soft...
So I go and turn the oven off because it's been more than five minutes and she gets all like, "Why'd you do that?" I explain... and she goes, "Well, you know, it's not always about time"
I'm just like, "Why the heck does it matter?? I mean, it's done. I know that for sure."
And just... erg.
I'm getting worked up over nothing, I know. Time to let it go....
Earlier, I was just kinda like... amused. 'Cause when she's sleep deprived... it's funny. I'll admit it. It's also weird and embarrassing. Haha.
Then it's times like this where I'm pissed off at her. I'll admit... I don't do much around the house. But if she asks, I'll do *most* things. If I'm actually capable of doing it.
But... erg... when she just gets on my case about things... like just now, cooking garlic bread. *rolls eyes* Five freakin' minutes. All it needs. I don't even like it when it's in for five minutes. I like it better if it's soft...
So I go and turn the oven off because it's been more than five minutes and she gets all like, "Why'd you do that?" I explain... and she goes, "Well, you know, it's not always about time"
I'm just like, "Why the heck does it matter?? I mean, it's done. I know that for sure."
And just... erg.
I'm getting worked up over nothing, I know. Time to let it go....
Life... is life. Ups and downs. But.. UGH! The down came at the worst possible time. Seriously. Bah. Screw it. It happens.
But, I'll start off with the good: I have been insanely slap-happy like, all day today. Yesterday... eh. I was really tired and it showed. I just did not make any effort. But, today, with another day of sleepiness, I just... too tired to care anymore.
I had the hardest time trying to fall asleep last night because A) I gots a humidifier in my room now. Ick. and B) My left ankle, calf and knee hurt so much. It wasn't really sharp, but not super dull. But it was painful. It ached so bad!
And then I was up at 3AM because of something really stupid, but like, gave me a heart attack. I have my ipod playing during the night because it's super easy to fall asleep (well, normally). But, sometimes I get too close to consciousness and I hear and somewhat comprehend the song... and so with this one- I though I had heard somebody with a low... deep... and kinda scary voice say "Yo, Lizzie" (... that seems so stupid right now). But, I swear, it scared me so bad!
But yeah, I calm down and go back to sleep. Then I get up at my normal time... yippee....
Then school comes and I feel good about what I'm wearing, I like it lots. In PE- my team in basketball won! :D (28-14). Awesome. Then in choir... it just was cool and fun. Relaxing-ish. Science... just notes and videos. English... review. Pretty good.Geography... that's where everything turned wrong.
First off, we had to do a review... ugh. Then... my necklace broke. :( I really liked it too. I'm just bad with necklaces. That's the third one I've broken! Anyway, my teacher gets fed up with all the talking... so she assigns us work from the next chapter/unit. whatever. Of course, she basically piles it on... :\ yuck.
Then, a girl's ipod gets stolen. Not a lot of people like her. I bet if most people got the chance to kill her... they would in a heartbeat. I know it sounds bad, but I would do it. :\
So, if the principal has not gotten it back... chances are... we have a police search on Thursday. Haha. That's gonna be fun! /not
Oh well. So it goes.
Life happens. Unfortunately.
Life... is life. Ups and downs. But.. UGH! The down came at the worst possible time. Seriously. Bah. Screw it. It happens.
But, I'll start off with the good: I have been insanely slap-happy like, all day today. Yesterday... eh. I was really tired and it showed. I just did not make any effort. But, today, with another day of sleepiness, I just... too tired to care anymore.
I had the hardest time trying to fall asleep last night because A) I gots a humidifier in my room now. Ick. and B) My left ankle, calf and knee hurt so much. It wasn't really sharp, but not super dull. But it was painful. It ached so bad!
And then I was up at 3AM because of something really stupid, but like, gave me a heart attack. I have my ipod playing during the night because it's super easy to fall asleep (well, normally). But, sometimes I get too close to consciousness and I hear and somewhat comprehend the song... and so with this one- I though I had heard somebody with a low... deep... and kinda scary voice say "Yo, Lizzie" (... that seems so stupid right now). But, I swear, it scared me so bad!
But yeah, I calm down and go back to sleep. Then I get up at my normal time... yippee....
Then school comes and I feel good about what I'm wearing, I like it lots. In PE- my team in basketball won! :D (28-14). Awesome. Then in choir... it just was cool and fun. Relaxing-ish. Science... just notes and videos. English... review. Pretty good.Geography... that's where everything turned wrong.
First off, we had to do a review... ugh. Then... my necklace broke. :( I really liked it too. I'm just bad with necklaces. That's the third one I've broken! Anyway, my teacher gets fed up with all the talking... so she assigns us work from the next chapter/unit. whatever. Of course, she basically piles it on... :\ yuck.
Then, a girl's ipod gets stolen. Not a lot of people like her. I bet if most people got the chance to kill her... they would in a heartbeat. I know it sounds bad, but I would do it. :\
So, if the principal has not gotten it back... chances are... we have a police search on Thursday. Haha. That's gonna be fun! /not
Oh well. So it goes.
Life happens. Unfortunately.
It's been awhile since I've had this much fun. And played a board game. Awesome day. (Even if the beginning was a little boring.).
I finally had a friend come over. First time since... ever I think since I moved here. I think I'm definitely taking a step in the 'social' direction. Which I think amazes me and my sister!
Mmm, and pizza! Yum. It's been awhile since I've had that pizza. It's good. :D
And... I swear, I think I'm about to be in/in a growth spurt. I've been so hungry lately... and tired (but mostly from getting up early/ not falling asleep). I don't want to psyche myself out. (I REALLY wanna grow). But I think I'm just at this height for the rest of my life. Oh well. So it goes. But it's not like 'short' genes run in the family. Most everyone is either tall or average! Gar. I got the short end of the stick... ahah. Lame pun, I know!
I am oh-so-excited to start an RP soon. It seems like it'd be tons of fun. I haven't RP'ed in awhile either. So, this could be really good. I hope so!
I finally had a friend come over. First time since... ever I think since I moved here. I think I'm definitely taking a step in the 'social' direction. Which I think amazes me and my sister!
Mmm, and pizza! Yum. It's been awhile since I've had that pizza. It's good. :D
And... I swear, I think I'm about to be in/in a growth spurt. I've been so hungry lately... and tired (but mostly from getting up early/ not falling asleep). I don't want to psyche myself out. (I REALLY wanna grow). But I think I'm just at this height for the rest of my life. Oh well. So it goes. But it's not like 'short' genes run in the family. Most everyone is either tall or average! Gar. I got the short end of the stick... ahah. Lame pun, I know!
I am oh-so-excited to start an RP soon. It seems like it'd be tons of fun. I haven't RP'ed in awhile either. So, this could be really good. I hope so!
Dude.... good day today. Good day
I am currently watching the newest tournament of Ninja warrior. SO COOL! Odd airying time, though. IIt's a bit early for it... ah well. I'm not complaining though, I haven't seen NW in a while. What better way to break that then watching the newest?!
OH wow... this one is a total heart stopper! As it always is. It's amazing what can happen. That's why unscripted shows are so much better! Human error... or involvment is exciting!!!
*sigh* I just love watching my favorite guy, he's the best! Like, almost literally. He's completed all four stages before. He USUALLY goes further than anyone else. He's always seems gracious, kind, and well.... AMAZING! I just can't find any other words to descrie him... or the show. (ok- one more word to describe him... humble)
Anyway, nothing new at school. Though... I got to hug my crush- as in... and actual hug! Lol. ANd geography was actually somewhat painless. Rockin' day!
Last note- today was 'write love on your arms day' for the 'to write love on her arms (rescue is possible)' organization. :)
I am currently watching the newest tournament of Ninja warrior. SO COOL! Odd airying time, though. IIt's a bit early for it... ah well. I'm not complaining though, I haven't seen NW in a while. What better way to break that then watching the newest?!
OH wow... this one is a total heart stopper! As it always is. It's amazing what can happen. That's why unscripted shows are so much better! Human error... or involvment is exciting!!!
*sigh* I just love watching my favorite guy, he's the best! Like, almost literally. He's completed all four stages before. He USUALLY goes further than anyone else. He's always seems gracious, kind, and well.... AMAZING! I just can't find any other words to descrie him... or the show. (ok- one more word to describe him... humble)
Anyway, nothing new at school. Though... I got to hug my crush- as in... and actual hug! Lol. ANd geography was actually somewhat painless. Rockin' day!
Last note- today was 'write love on your arms day' for the 'to write love on her arms (rescue is possible)' organization. :)
It snowed. During lunch it freakin' snowed! Dude, it's not supposed to snow yet! Ah well, at least it didn't stick. And it was only snowing for like, 5 minutes. It was kinda cool. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of snow.
No school tomorrow! YAY! Though... my day is going to be pretty boring without school... but... I GET TO SLEEP IN! That's the best thing. I've been tired lately. Ah well. It happens. At least I can do homework.... that I REALLY need to do... ^^'
It's not long until the choir I'm in has to perform... hehe. This is going to be very interesting... I mean, it's not like we're horrible... it's just that we still need to pull things together... and FAST!
Oh, science. I love that class... I'm really good at it. We played a review game today and Friday. On Friday I got into first place and today... not the best. But, it was still fun. :)
School has been going pretty well... except for the B- in math ^^' dropped a bit. Ah well. So it goes. And my Geography probably dropped. Though... It better not be by much.
I must let this out... I'm so happy on the inside: I hugged my crush today. :D It's been a while, so I'm happy about that. AND I got my phone back this morning. SO, it's all good!
No school tomorrow! YAY! Though... my day is going to be pretty boring without school... but... I GET TO SLEEP IN! That's the best thing. I've been tired lately. Ah well. It happens. At least I can do homework.... that I REALLY need to do... ^^'
It's not long until the choir I'm in has to perform... hehe. This is going to be very interesting... I mean, it's not like we're horrible... it's just that we still need to pull things together... and FAST!
Oh, science. I love that class... I'm really good at it. We played a review game today and Friday. On Friday I got into first place and today... not the best. But, it was still fun. :)
School has been going pretty well... except for the B- in math ^^' dropped a bit. Ah well. So it goes. And my Geography probably dropped. Though... It better not be by much.
I must let this out... I'm so happy on the inside: I hugged my crush today. :D It's been a while, so I'm happy about that. AND I got my phone back this morning. SO, it's all good!
I. Am. So. Stupid.
I. Am. Never. Going. To. Believe. My. Friends. Again.
I have my phone taken away... dude... I feel SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO bad.
I have run up the phone bill like no one business. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Honestly, I can live without the phone. I only use it to call my sister to let her know I got home... and well, I can have other ways of doing it. So, it's not necessary. Honestly, I have no problem of even WORKING off the phone bill if I had to. I am NEVER going to text on the phone again until I get it on the plan. Seriously.
I just feel so bad for my mom because she's the one paying the bill. She works so hard. I... I just... gosh. I wish I knew this. I wish I had never believed my friend.
D: this... ugh.
I had an awesome day until this point. As long as I get my phone back by February. That's all I ask. I can live without it until then. (Haha. After that's going to be just a withdrawl. :\)
Oh. My. Gosh. I just realized that I sound like one of those people that's way too addicted to their phones. *groan*
I. Am. Never. Going. To. Believe. My. Friends. Again.
I have my phone taken away... dude... I feel SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO bad.
I have run up the phone bill like no one business. :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Honestly, I can live without the phone. I only use it to call my sister to let her know I got home... and well, I can have other ways of doing it. So, it's not necessary. Honestly, I have no problem of even WORKING off the phone bill if I had to. I am NEVER going to text on the phone again until I get it on the plan. Seriously.
I just feel so bad for my mom because she's the one paying the bill. She works so hard. I... I just... gosh. I wish I knew this. I wish I had never believed my friend.
D: this... ugh.
I had an awesome day until this point. As long as I get my phone back by February. That's all I ask. I can live without it until then. (Haha. After that's going to be just a withdrawl. :\)
Oh. My. Gosh. I just realized that I sound like one of those people that's way too addicted to their phones. *groan*
What is it? How can you tell when your in love? Do teens actually know what love is?
No novel today. Seriously p'oed. :\ May elaborate later... chances are I wont.
edit- OK, so I decided that I'm going to have this convo haunt me. I edit out all names,places and anything that could give away any info. I totally need to get out my frustrations so that stuff will probably follow....
k: hey'
me: hi
k: wat u mean becarful?
me: just sent the text
k: my emotoins messed
me: hey...
these things don't turn out right in HS
k: im in tu school its not like other highschools
and i really like and care about d
me: I know!
you know what...
forget about it
I'm not arguing with you
k: i have way different feelings for d then i had for IS
me: if something bad happens, don't come crying ot me
you told me
I understand that
I know its different
k: i care about and like d so much more
i never was i miss IS all the time like i do with d
me: I get it
seriously, idc what happens with you two
is something bad happens, I don't care. if something good happens, I don't care
that's between you two and who ever else cares
k: thats really nice that u dont care
n cares
ds really oimportent to me and friends shoud care about wats importent to there friends
me: I know it's important to you
k: ds the best thing in my life right now
me: but it's ALL you care about
or so it seems
k: i love it at school because ds here.
me: I know that
I kinda figure
you can never wait until school starts
and you hate to go home
k: i know that
me: I get it
k: i dont like it at home my dads an asshole a lot of the time with trying to get me o do chores and shit
me: that's how parents are!
k: but i hate it at home i love it here
and here i have d which makes it ever more great
me: ...
I KNOW that
but your parents should be first in your life
you should want to be with them
No guy should EVER come before your family unless it's GOd or Jesus
k: i dont want to be with them i was homeschool all my life im sick of them
me: God**
It doesn't matter!
I would rather my parents homeschool me
k: I never said that i care about d more then like my mom but i have to love my parents and family, i dont have to love d but i think i might. i dont like being aroud my parents
i LOVE being with d
k: i never wanna be homeschool again
me: and stop saying that
well, I understand that
and I can see why
I've been pushed out of the house everyday to go to school
dude, I hate it too
I don't want to do it, but I have not
k: what makes u the happyest right now ijn lofe?
me: to**
except maybe going to choir
I'm honestly not that happy right now in my life
the only time I"ve felt worse was when I was in 6th grade
I was happy back when I was little
back when I had my friends
k: D like the only thing keepoing me happy
me: back when my family didn't have problems
k: keeping**
me: obviously
only my friends are keeping my happy.
or at least somewhat happy
k: i hate being at home it fucking sucks, i dont like being at school that much if ds not here
me: then you got major issues
you need to get them sorted out
k: wat u mean?
me: I love being at home and at school
you should like to be at home
school should be your home away from home... not your home
k: well at school its just me and n or me and AN or me AN and n
or if ds at school then im with him
hes the best thing in my life right now and has been for the past month
schools was really nices today cause were kissing in front of AN and the adults here
me: that's not something you should be proud of
k: we didt make out today but stiull it was really nice
me: or happy about...
k: i like kissing d it male sme happy
hes the only guy ive ever kissed only guy thats liked me back
hes the only thing thats keeping me happy
me: dude...
that's not right
k: like im happy with like friends like C and stuff but im really happy when im with d. or if ive been around d
me: he shouldn't be the only thing that's making you happy
k: i have other friends that make me happy but not as much as d odse
me: ok, that's fine...
but... it's not really RIGHT
at least, not to me
I'm sorry...
but I can't imagine a guy making me happier than my friends or family... except when I'm like married or something
which we all know will not happen for another like... 30+ years
k: well dost wat ive been saying about d tell u how much i care about him?>
me: yes it does
but it's not right in my eyes
you should care for your parents more than a guy
k: u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad
me: what the heck does that have to do with it?!?!
it means that when I crush on a guy, I really take the time to know and LIKE them!!!!
if you fall for every guy, you lose the meaning of love!
I'm not saying you do
me: I'm not saying you haven't
I'm just saying, it's not right to say that just because I don't crush easily ifs a justifiable argument
it takes a lot for me to crush
k: i know a lot of guys that i dont have the bf feelings for that only thinl are hot and some are just my freinds and i dont like them in the cute way..... i liked IS cause he was cute and i kinda missed him.. it took me a wile to figure out i like d it hit me all of a suddent and now were kinda together
me: I get that
I see your point
but it just freakin' bugs me when it's all you talk about
k: i like him that much i cafre about him so much
me: I know
see ya
Dude.... A good portion of that did not piss me off. It's just that she was so repetitive with the 'I care about him' and stuff, agreed?
But what REALLY rubbed me the wrong way was when she said: "u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad" that just pissed me off so bad! It's true, but it's totally out of context!!!
Just erg... *headdesk*
What is it? How can you tell when your in love? Do teens actually know what love is?
No novel today. Seriously p'oed. :\ May elaborate later... chances are I wont.
edit- OK, so I decided that I'm going to have this convo haunt me. I edit out all names,places and anything that could give away any info. I totally need to get out my frustrations so that stuff will probably follow....
k: hey'
me: hi
k: wat u mean becarful?
me: just sent the text
k: my emotoins messed
me: hey...
these things don't turn out right in HS
k: im in tu school its not like other highschools
and i really like and care about d
me: I know!
you know what...
forget about it
I'm not arguing with you
k: i have way different feelings for d then i had for IS
me: if something bad happens, don't come crying ot me
you told me
I understand that
I know its different
k: i care about and like d so much more
i never was i miss IS all the time like i do with d
me: I get it
seriously, idc what happens with you two
is something bad happens, I don't care. if something good happens, I don't care
that's between you two and who ever else cares
k: thats really nice that u dont care
n cares
ds really oimportent to me and friends shoud care about wats importent to there friends
me: I know it's important to you
k: ds the best thing in my life right now
me: but it's ALL you care about
or so it seems
k: i love it at school because ds here.
me: I know that
I kinda figure
you can never wait until school starts
and you hate to go home
k: i know that
me: I get it
k: i dont like it at home my dads an asshole a lot of the time with trying to get me o do chores and shit
me: that's how parents are!
k: but i hate it at home i love it here
and here i have d which makes it ever more great
me: ...
I KNOW that
but your parents should be first in your life
you should want to be with them
No guy should EVER come before your family unless it's GOd or Jesus
k: i dont want to be with them i was homeschool all my life im sick of them
me: God**
It doesn't matter!
I would rather my parents homeschool me
k: I never said that i care about d more then like my mom but i have to love my parents and family, i dont have to love d but i think i might. i dont like being aroud my parents
i LOVE being with d
k: i never wanna be homeschool again
me: and stop saying that
well, I understand that
and I can see why
I've been pushed out of the house everyday to go to school
dude, I hate it too
I don't want to do it, but I have not
k: what makes u the happyest right now ijn lofe?
me: to**
except maybe going to choir
I'm honestly not that happy right now in my life
the only time I"ve felt worse was when I was in 6th grade
I was happy back when I was little
back when I had my friends
k: D like the only thing keepoing me happy
me: back when my family didn't have problems
k: keeping**
me: obviously
only my friends are keeping my happy.
or at least somewhat happy
k: i hate being at home it fucking sucks, i dont like being at school that much if ds not here
me: then you got major issues
you need to get them sorted out
k: wat u mean?
me: I love being at home and at school
you should like to be at home
school should be your home away from home... not your home
k: well at school its just me and n or me and AN or me AN and n
or if ds at school then im with him
hes the best thing in my life right now and has been for the past month
schools was really nices today cause were kissing in front of AN and the adults here
me: that's not something you should be proud of
k: we didt make out today but stiull it was really nice
me: or happy about...
k: i like kissing d it male sme happy
hes the only guy ive ever kissed only guy thats liked me back
hes the only thing thats keeping me happy
me: dude...
that's not right
k: like im happy with like friends like C and stuff but im really happy when im with d. or if ive been around d
me: he shouldn't be the only thing that's making you happy
k: i have other friends that make me happy but not as much as d odse
me: ok, that's fine...
but... it's not really RIGHT
at least, not to me
I'm sorry...
but I can't imagine a guy making me happier than my friends or family... except when I'm like married or something
which we all know will not happen for another like... 30+ years
k: well dost wat ive been saying about d tell u how much i care about him?>
me: yes it does
but it's not right in my eyes
you should care for your parents more than a guy
k: u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad
me: what the heck does that have to do with it?!?!
it means that when I crush on a guy, I really take the time to know and LIKE them!!!!
if you fall for every guy, you lose the meaning of love!
I'm not saying you do
me: I'm not saying you haven't
I'm just saying, it's not right to say that just because I don't crush easily ifs a justifiable argument
it takes a lot for me to crush
k: i know a lot of guys that i dont have the bf feelings for that only thinl are hot and some are just my freinds and i dont like them in the cute way..... i liked IS cause he was cute and i kinda missed him.. it took me a wile to figure out i like d it hit me all of a suddent and now were kinda together
me: I get that
I see your point
but it just freakin' bugs me when it's all you talk about
k: i like him that much i cafre about him so much
me: I know
see ya
Dude.... A good portion of that did not piss me off. It's just that she was so repetitive with the 'I care about him' and stuff, agreed?
But what REALLY rubbed me the wrong way was when she said: "u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad" that just pissed me off so bad! It's true, but it's totally out of context!!!
Just erg... *headdesk*
Happy (belated) Halloween!
One of THE best halloweens ever. It's been pretty amazing so far, and life has been pretty good. Nothing TOO special.
But, uhm... I found out last night that one of my friend's friend's died. (They talked over the 'net, so.. I didn't really get to know him that much) and his funeral was last night. :(
It was kind of sad, but not really preventable. He was shot, either by someone else or himself. It's sad, really. But... I'm at a loss as to what to do. :\
It makes me wonder... how are the people that I talk to online going to know/react when I die? I know I don't want to die young or anything, but sometimes, I just can't get it off my mind.
I slept over at a friend's last night... and oh boy... we were doing a lot of singing, and so one song just totally made me tear up and another girl cry. The song itself wasn't sad, but the special meaning for US was sad.
I think I just got my eyes opened. On Wednesdays and Thursdays during lunch... there's this.... er... Bible club I guess.... idk what you'd call it. But it's like talking about Jesus and stuff. It's really getting to me. I realize that I really need a better relationship with God.
Though, I'm divided. I really like the group, but sometimes I want to eat lunch with my friends, you know? It's hard to think about what to do. It makes me feel like a bad Catholic if I skimp out on a chance to talk about Jesus and God and stuff... but I hardly ever get the chance to eat with my friends... It's conflicting... but I know that I'm going to be loved either way. I just have to figure out what to do.
One of THE best halloweens ever. It's been pretty amazing so far, and life has been pretty good. Nothing TOO special.
But, uhm... I found out last night that one of my friend's friend's died. (They talked over the 'net, so.. I didn't really get to know him that much) and his funeral was last night. :(
It was kind of sad, but not really preventable. He was shot, either by someone else or himself. It's sad, really. But... I'm at a loss as to what to do. :\
It makes me wonder... how are the people that I talk to online going to know/react when I die? I know I don't want to die young or anything, but sometimes, I just can't get it off my mind.
I slept over at a friend's last night... and oh boy... we were doing a lot of singing, and so one song just totally made me tear up and another girl cry. The song itself wasn't sad, but the special meaning for US was sad.
I think I just got my eyes opened. On Wednesdays and Thursdays during lunch... there's this.... er... Bible club I guess.... idk what you'd call it. But it's like talking about Jesus and stuff. It's really getting to me. I realize that I really need a better relationship with God.
Though, I'm divided. I really like the group, but sometimes I want to eat lunch with my friends, you know? It's hard to think about what to do. It makes me feel like a bad Catholic if I skimp out on a chance to talk about Jesus and God and stuff... but I hardly ever get the chance to eat with my friends... It's conflicting... but I know that I'm going to be loved either way. I just have to figure out what to do.
It's almost like the end of 6th grade.
Dude... there's a whole big ol' story that goes with it... but for once I don't feel like typing novels. (*gasp!*)
Short version: someone thinks that me and my crush should go out...
But, uhm, ok, yeah I'll be typing a novel.
I've just been thinking, how DO people judge if two other people should be together/look good together. It's like... it's weird. In both of my cases, people have said that my crush and I looked good together. But, why?
Is it like appearance wise... or is it through personality and personal history? I have not really taken the time to think and say if people look good together. I mean, some people, it would be cute because its like they like each other and stuff. But other than that, it's not like I pay much attention to it.
But, of course, I'm the oblivious one of all my friends. I hardly notice anything that goes on around me. It's insane, but I usually just get caught up in my own world. As much as that's not a good thing... it just happens. I often get bored and like to retreat into my imagination. (Which, as we all know is very weird!).
I know I'm not the only one to do that. But I do it more often than most people. And the thing is... I usually have a blank look that people mistake as thinking hard. In reality, I'm barely thinking. I'm one of the few that can think about absolutely nothing. At all. Fear my skills! :P
Ahem... yeah. *sigh*.
I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they think. Like, if you really try and pay attention, you might notice patterns. Like my friend, she thinks in colors. I think in more like, words and text. Like I'm reading a book or typing on a typewriter.
It just might mean that I'm more straight to the point and organized. Or it just might mean that I don't have a super creative mind. Even though I can create AWESOME backgrounds and images with colors that you can only DREAM about. But... it just doesn't translate well.
With words, I know what I want and what I need. I'm organized and getting at my point. Plus, I just LOVE words. They can do just about anything. If used well, they can make you feel emotions. They can make you see images. That's what I like. I love using adjective and stuff. It's so much fun :D
And with that- I have to say...
Chocolates are manly phones. VERY manly phones. You best believe it.
It's almost like the end of 6th grade.
Dude... there's a whole big ol' story that goes with it... but for once I don't feel like typing novels. (*gasp!*)
Short version: someone thinks that me and my crush should go out...
But, uhm, ok, yeah I'll be typing a novel.
I've just been thinking, how DO people judge if two other people should be together/look good together. It's like... it's weird. In both of my cases, people have said that my crush and I looked good together. But, why?
Is it like appearance wise... or is it through personality and personal history? I have not really taken the time to think and say if people look good together. I mean, some people, it would be cute because its like they like each other and stuff. But other than that, it's not like I pay much attention to it.
But, of course, I'm the oblivious one of all my friends. I hardly notice anything that goes on around me. It's insane, but I usually just get caught up in my own world. As much as that's not a good thing... it just happens. I often get bored and like to retreat into my imagination. (Which, as we all know is very weird!).
I know I'm not the only one to do that. But I do it more often than most people. And the thing is... I usually have a blank look that people mistake as thinking hard. In reality, I'm barely thinking. I'm one of the few that can think about absolutely nothing. At all. Fear my skills! :P
Ahem... yeah. *sigh*.
I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they think. Like, if you really try and pay attention, you might notice patterns. Like my friend, she thinks in colors. I think in more like, words and text. Like I'm reading a book or typing on a typewriter.
It just might mean that I'm more straight to the point and organized. Or it just might mean that I don't have a super creative mind. Even though I can create AWESOME backgrounds and images with colors that you can only DREAM about. But... it just doesn't translate well.
With words, I know what I want and what I need. I'm organized and getting at my point. Plus, I just LOVE words. They can do just about anything. If used well, they can make you feel emotions. They can make you see images. That's what I like. I love using adjective and stuff. It's so much fun :D
And with that- I have to say...
Chocolates are manly phones. VERY manly phones. You best believe it.
Mmm... so last night I went to my friend's belated birthday party. It was really awesome. I loved it and had TONS of fun. I think that it just reaffirmed my good mood and I hope to stay that way for many more weeks. :)
I am so out of it when I'm sleep deprived. I seem to be getting less sleep but still function relatively well. I guess the summer of very bad sleep patterns sort of helped me out. But I would love a night were I sleep straight through all the way until 6:40 AM and wake up not that sleepy. Not going to happen anytime soon, I guess...
Anyway, back to yesterday. I'm up at like... oh boy, I don't even remember. But I know by like 9. My sister goes out and runs errands for most of the day. Joy... so I was bored for most of my day. Even though I knew I should've done homework... it didn't happen. I just kinda went, "Bah. Tomorrow"
My sister gets home... and she has her hair dyed. :\... Dude... she goes and gets her hair dyed and cut while I haven't even gotten a trim in MONTHS. DUDE! But now I can't call her a blonde :(. Well, as my friend's family puts it, she's a pineapple now: Brown on the outside, yellow on the inside. Haha.
Basically, at four I'm over at my friend's party... and well... it was just super fun. Rock band basically the whole night (I SO need to take mine and start playing again...I sucked SO bad). With breaks to go to the park and eat and stuff. It's nice to know that I'm not the only vegetarian around.... and it's been forever since I've had a veggie burger... hmm.... we should have some for dinner sometime....
It was so funny when we went to the park, we played hide-and-seek and first round, me and a group of other people (almost half if not more) just ditched and went back to the house. Then it consisted of my group trying to find a place to hide and we eventually deiced to hide in a little kiddy house... Haha. It was so stuffed and hot. But so worth it once they found us like, 5 minutes later.
After more just messing around, she opened her presents. Most of them cards, but I mean, honestly, who would not want cash on their b-day?? Lol. So, I'm sure she was happy with what she got.
Then cake.... :D. My motto, "Cake is cake". It doesn't matter what kind, I'll most likely eat it. Unless it's like fruit cake or something. Then it's like... eewwww.
So I get a slice of carrot cake (it was neglected... :( I felt bad for it). It was pretty good.... except the frosting tasted a little weird, but hey... it was still good.
More messing around... went out side and did a little basket ball. Then was the pinata. The first person knocked the string connecting off, so then the rope was tied around the head... and then the HEAD got knocked off... So they ductape it together. Just in time for MY turn. So I basically have the hardest one...
But it eventually does get completely torn apart. You couldn't even tell what it was anymore! (In the beginning it was spiderman).
After that we continue watching Dane Cook... and by like 10:15 I'm the last person (who is NOT related) still there. ^^'. Haha. So I call my sister to come pick me up and by the time I'm home it's like 10:20.
I'm in bed by like 10:40-ish. Not asleep until who KNOWS when. (Though my guess is that by 11:30 I was asleep).
Whew. Long night, eh? But it was so fun. And of course... I was the odd one out because I only had like.... two sprites while everyone else had like... 3+. Seriously, I just barely finished my second soda while we were doing the pinata. Ah well, I guess I'm not much of a soda person.
Mmm... so last night I went to my friend's belated birthday party. It was really awesome. I loved it and had TONS of fun. I think that it just reaffirmed my good mood and I hope to stay that way for many more weeks. :)
I am so out of it when I'm sleep deprived. I seem to be getting less sleep but still function relatively well. I guess the summer of very bad sleep patterns sort of helped me out. But I would love a night were I sleep straight through all the way until 6:40 AM and wake up not that sleepy. Not going to happen anytime soon, I guess...
Anyway, back to yesterday. I'm up at like... oh boy, I don't even remember. But I know by like 9. My sister goes out and runs errands for most of the day. Joy... so I was bored for most of my day. Even though I knew I should've done homework... it didn't happen. I just kinda went, "Bah. Tomorrow"
My sister gets home... and she has her hair dyed. :\... Dude... she goes and gets her hair dyed and cut while I haven't even gotten a trim in MONTHS. DUDE! But now I can't call her a blonde :(. Well, as my friend's family puts it, she's a pineapple now: Brown on the outside, yellow on the inside. Haha.
Basically, at four I'm over at my friend's party... and well... it was just super fun. Rock band basically the whole night (I SO need to take mine and start playing again...I sucked SO bad). With breaks to go to the park and eat and stuff. It's nice to know that I'm not the only vegetarian around.... and it's been forever since I've had a veggie burger... hmm.... we should have some for dinner sometime....
It was so funny when we went to the park, we played hide-and-seek and first round, me and a group of other people (almost half if not more) just ditched and went back to the house. Then it consisted of my group trying to find a place to hide and we eventually deiced to hide in a little kiddy house... Haha. It was so stuffed and hot. But so worth it once they found us like, 5 minutes later.
After more just messing around, she opened her presents. Most of them cards, but I mean, honestly, who would not want cash on their b-day?? Lol. So, I'm sure she was happy with what she got.
Then cake.... :D. My motto, "Cake is cake". It doesn't matter what kind, I'll most likely eat it. Unless it's like fruit cake or something. Then it's like... eewwww.
So I get a slice of carrot cake (it was neglected... :( I felt bad for it). It was pretty good.... except the frosting tasted a little weird, but hey... it was still good.
More messing around... went out side and did a little basket ball. Then was the pinata. The first person knocked the string connecting off, so then the rope was tied around the head... and then the HEAD got knocked off... So they ductape it together. Just in time for MY turn. So I basically have the hardest one...
But it eventually does get completely torn apart. You couldn't even tell what it was anymore! (In the beginning it was spiderman).
After that we continue watching Dane Cook... and by like 10:15 I'm the last person (who is NOT related) still there. ^^'. Haha. So I call my sister to come pick me up and by the time I'm home it's like 10:20.
I'm in bed by like 10:40-ish. Not asleep until who KNOWS when. (Though my guess is that by 11:30 I was asleep).
Whew. Long night, eh? But it was so fun. And of course... I was the odd one out because I only had like.... two sprites while everyone else had like... 3+. Seriously, I just barely finished my second soda while we were doing the pinata. Ah well, I guess I'm not much of a soda person.
^That's totally my mood as of right now.
This week started off great. But it's kind of winding down. I'm not really that happy right now... but I'm not sad or anything. Just kinda there. Apathetic. You know? I'm not a huge fan of it though. I hate feeling nothing. It sends me back to when I was in 6th grade. (<----not a good year!!!)
Hmmm... Tuesday just went in a blur. I'm not even sure what happened that day. Just kinda... went by. All the normal classes and everything. Nothing too exciting, other than doing a lab in science.
Yesterday... that was pretty good. Choir was a free-for-all because the teacher wasn't there. Math I had a test, so no homework. (Thank goodness! Because I went to the library that day) Then English was more testing. So I got some time to just sit and read and get mellowed out. (And organize my English binder)
Then today was actually pretty chilly. Of course, I just go ahead and put on a short-sleeved shirt. LOL. Anyway, so I get to school and then first is PE. We go outside and run the mile. (When it's like 40- some odd degrees). Obviously most people tried to finish really fast. Me? new fastest time! (>< 12:08 I mean, it's not that fast. But it's fast for me).
Then it's science where we walked to this dam and did some more lab stuffs. Then walked back. It was pretty pleasant. Though my hands got really cold. Anyway, after that was geography...
UGH! I hate that class so much. It was OK before, but now it's like *headdesk*. We got new seats today. *joy* /not. One table partner is OK... but the other one... just... he doesn't annoy me, but he and the other table partner don't get along very well. It is going to be a frustrating 7 weeks with them.
I totally feel that like the past two days I've been abandoning my friend at lunch. Like, I know she's working on stuff... but I still feel bad for leaving her behind and not like, taking her with me. I know my friends could learn to accept her and stuff. Though... I'm not sure if SHE would want to be friends with them....
Who knows? It's weird. I want to meld them together and stuff, but it probably won't happen. So it goes. I should take more of a stand on these things...
DARN YOU APATHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And with that I must say: I'm so happy that a some-what good friend of mine lives less than a mile away from me... Maybe I'll actually get to do stuff with her! Heh... it's all about actually planning these things.
One more day. Then the weekend... and then school. UGH. It's not fun anymore. :\
Oh... one last thing. I am like... so sleep deprived today. I was up at 2:30 AM, fell asleep, up at 5:30 AM then went to sleep and up at 6:38 and stayed up for 20 min before I had to get out of bed. :(
^That's totally my mood as of right now.
This week started off great. But it's kind of winding down. I'm not really that happy right now... but I'm not sad or anything. Just kinda there. Apathetic. You know? I'm not a huge fan of it though. I hate feeling nothing. It sends me back to when I was in 6th grade. (<----not a good year!!!)
Hmmm... Tuesday just went in a blur. I'm not even sure what happened that day. Just kinda... went by. All the normal classes and everything. Nothing too exciting, other than doing a lab in science.
Yesterday... that was pretty good. Choir was a free-for-all because the teacher wasn't there. Math I had a test, so no homework. (Thank goodness! Because I went to the library that day) Then English was more testing. So I got some time to just sit and read and get mellowed out. (And organize my English binder)
Then today was actually pretty chilly. Of course, I just go ahead and put on a short-sleeved shirt. LOL. Anyway, so I get to school and then first is PE. We go outside and run the mile. (When it's like 40- some odd degrees). Obviously most people tried to finish really fast. Me? new fastest time! (>< 12:08 I mean, it's not that fast. But it's fast for me).
Then it's science where we walked to this dam and did some more lab stuffs. Then walked back. It was pretty pleasant. Though my hands got really cold. Anyway, after that was geography...
UGH! I hate that class so much. It was OK before, but now it's like *headdesk*. We got new seats today. *joy* /not. One table partner is OK... but the other one... just... he doesn't annoy me, but he and the other table partner don't get along very well. It is going to be a frustrating 7 weeks with them.
I totally feel that like the past two days I've been abandoning my friend at lunch. Like, I know she's working on stuff... but I still feel bad for leaving her behind and not like, taking her with me. I know my friends could learn to accept her and stuff. Though... I'm not sure if SHE would want to be friends with them....
Who knows? It's weird. I want to meld them together and stuff, but it probably won't happen. So it goes. I should take more of a stand on these things...
DARN YOU APATHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And with that I must say: I'm so happy that a some-what good friend of mine lives less than a mile away from me... Maybe I'll actually get to do stuff with her! Heh... it's all about actually planning these things.
One more day. Then the weekend... and then school. UGH. It's not fun anymore. :\
Oh... one last thing. I am like... so sleep deprived today. I was up at 2:30 AM, fell asleep, up at 5:30 AM then went to sleep and up at 6:38 and stayed up for 20 min before I had to get out of bed. :(
Yay for time to think about absolutely nothing!
Haaa.... so today should've been a bad day. Like, really bad. Buuuut..... It was actually pretty nice.
First off, I overslept my alarm... again. I think it's time to change it. It's like, the 5th time that I've overslept it. :\ not good. Oh well. At least I'm still ready on time-ish. Maybe like a minute over, but that minute does not matter since I'm sill at school on time.
Secondly, the lead in my compass broke. Joy. No spare lead. It's not very fun. Plus, it keeps falling out so I get frustrated when I have to do circles and stuff... which in geometry, is very important. (or so it seems right now)
And thirdly... I er... forgot my PE clothes at home. I was totally stressed about that, but it didn't turn out too bad. I just got sent to 'TOC' which stands for 'Time Out Center'... less than an hour (maybe like 40-45 min?) in total silence. Pssh... a HUGE punishment... /not. I was just going through songs that where stuck in my head, planned a bit of my story and read the posters in the room. Mehh.... it seriously was not too bad. Not like I wanna go back anytime soon though. :P
But, erm.... the rest of my day was actually pretty good.
Before PE was just some time spent talking a joking with my friends... (and crush). Very awesome.
Then was choir... which I mean, honestly... I can't help but smile in that class. Whether or not the teacher could tell if I was having a bad day, it just seemed extra nice. :D I LOVE my choir teacher. He is HILARIOUS. Except when he's mean. Then... that just sucks. You are in a bad mood if he is. Haa... but he's not mean that often.
Mm... then science our teacher was explaining what we'd do tomorrow... so we had to go outside for the physical demonstration (which... I still don't get fully. :P There's a reason... it's not a good one at all, but there is one!!). So there's like, two/three rows of kids... and I am in the second one... bad idea. Everyone in front was taller than me... but who isn't???
So my crush comes up and somewhat forcefully nudges me, but it didn't hurt. It was more like him walking into me. Eh, either way, he got my attention. So I'm standing there, talking to him. The conversation went somewhat like this:
Me: "Hey. What's up?"
Him: "Nothing much. You?"
Me: "Meh. Do you get what he's saying?"
Him: "Nope."
Me: "Ha... me either. Well, maybe like *this* much. But still"
and then some other stuff...
Him: "So did anyone come over? You know, since your sister is bugging you and stuff."
Me: "No... well actually, I did go out with a friend to a corn maze. Solved it in 20 minutes when it should've taken us like, an hour." *chuckle*
Him: "Oh nice"
Some more stuff
Him: "So do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: *is shocked at first* "Haha. No."
Him: *something about saying "good, I don't want to make him jealous"*
Me: "Don't worry... I wouldn't be acting like this if I did have a boyfriend"
*doesn't let him answer"
Me: "Do you have a girlfriend?" (<----something my friends wanted me to ask him)
Him: "Yes but not currently."
Me: *laugh* Yeah, that makes total sense
Him: "What I meant was, I did until a week ago"
Me: thinking: *YES! HE IS SINGLE!!!!!!!* "Oh."
Him: "Do your parents ever get on you for not having a boyfriend?"
Me: "Ha... it's like a family joke. They always ask 'so, how 's the boyfriend?' and I'm all '-_-'."
Him: *laughs*
Me: "Yeah. But if I ever get a boyfriend, they won't know."
Him: "Why?"
Me: "Well, my mom has a weird view on people dating."
Him: "Really? What is it?"
Me: "That uh, people shouldn't date until they're out of college. So I'm like, 'well... I'm not telling you when I get a boyfriend... nor will I tell dad.'" *I also tell him the story of some of the drama that happened over the summer.*
Him: "Well, I fake-dated a girl once just to get my family off my back"
Me: "That's mean... "
But then he kinda just went back to his friends after another side hug. (I totally gave him an extra 'hard' squeeze that time). Oh! And through the whole time we're standing like, shoulder to shoulder. I could feel him right next to me the whole time. I was SOOO tempted to go and hold his hand... but since I really wasn't looking him the eye through the conversation (hey... awkward position for my head. Not my fault) But I didn't... since I was holding a meter stick in my hand... and it was just awkward.
But it was nice. ^^
Anyway, since that whole conversation had me paying more attention to him than our teacher... I just stayed with my partner for extra explanation. And... I still have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, but I have a pretty darn good idea.
Which left me thinking.... when did he break up with his girlfriend? Lol. Must've been like, RIGHT before I asked him or something... either that or he just rebounds fast... heh.
Any who, I eat lunch with my friend and once I come back from returning my book (that was just a bit overdue...) she was writing and told me about her story... which totally left me in wonder. She's a pretty darn good writer. I really want to read her story soon.
mmm... I really need to stop procrastinating. There were some notes that I should've done for English class... but I lied and made up some notes and still got to work with a group. In truth, for reading I was ahead. Like.... two chapters ish? But yeah, no notes >< I was soooo gonna do them... eventually. :P
Yeah... procrastinating and me are like peanut butter and jelly. We are just best pals. I still get some of the more important things done... so obviously notes wasn't that important to me. And well... neither is studying...
He.. ^^'. I got a 77% on my geography test.... REALLY bad for me. I'm still on the grading system where 77 is like... a D and not a C. Either way, 77 is just not good for me. I'm used to the 80's and up. Seriously, if I had gotten like, an 80, I wouldn't have done too badly for me... meh. Oh well. It wasn't too bad for just studying like, two minutes before the test... and that day was just ever-so-slightly dramatic. (Aka- last thursday... gee... what happened that day? :P). Anyway... not like I'm going to start studying until next year. That year I'm really going to try and be a good student. That's kinda when I should start looking into colleges... since I have NO idea what I want to do right now. It's just floating in space...
Mmmm.... yeah. I think that's just about my day. Had to do a map in geography, but nothing too special or fun. Uhm... yeah. That's just about the whole day in a not-so-short summary. :)
Haaa.... so today should've been a bad day. Like, really bad. Buuuut..... It was actually pretty nice.
First off, I overslept my alarm... again. I think it's time to change it. It's like, the 5th time that I've overslept it. :\ not good. Oh well. At least I'm still ready on time-ish. Maybe like a minute over, but that minute does not matter since I'm sill at school on time.
Secondly, the lead in my compass broke. Joy. No spare lead. It's not very fun. Plus, it keeps falling out so I get frustrated when I have to do circles and stuff... which in geometry, is very important. (or so it seems right now)
And thirdly... I er... forgot my PE clothes at home. I was totally stressed about that, but it didn't turn out too bad. I just got sent to 'TOC' which stands for 'Time Out Center'... less than an hour (maybe like 40-45 min?) in total silence. Pssh... a HUGE punishment... /not. I was just going through songs that where stuck in my head, planned a bit of my story and read the posters in the room. Mehh.... it seriously was not too bad. Not like I wanna go back anytime soon though. :P
But, erm.... the rest of my day was actually pretty good.
Before PE was just some time spent talking a joking with my friends... (and crush). Very awesome.
Then was choir... which I mean, honestly... I can't help but smile in that class. Whether or not the teacher could tell if I was having a bad day, it just seemed extra nice. :D I LOVE my choir teacher. He is HILARIOUS. Except when he's mean. Then... that just sucks. You are in a bad mood if he is. Haa... but he's not mean that often.
Mm... then science our teacher was explaining what we'd do tomorrow... so we had to go outside for the physical demonstration (which... I still don't get fully. :P There's a reason... it's not a good one at all, but there is one!!). So there's like, two/three rows of kids... and I am in the second one... bad idea. Everyone in front was taller than me... but who isn't???
So my crush comes up and somewhat forcefully nudges me, but it didn't hurt. It was more like him walking into me. Eh, either way, he got my attention. So I'm standing there, talking to him. The conversation went somewhat like this:
Me: "Hey. What's up?"
Him: "Nothing much. You?"
Me: "Meh. Do you get what he's saying?"
Him: "Nope."
Me: "Ha... me either. Well, maybe like *this* much. But still"
and then some other stuff...
Him: "So did anyone come over? You know, since your sister is bugging you and stuff."
Me: "No... well actually, I did go out with a friend to a corn maze. Solved it in 20 minutes when it should've taken us like, an hour." *chuckle*
Him: "Oh nice"
Some more stuff
Him: "So do you have a boyfriend?"
Me: *is shocked at first* "Haha. No."
Him: *something about saying "good, I don't want to make him jealous"*
Me: "Don't worry... I wouldn't be acting like this if I did have a boyfriend"
*doesn't let him answer"
Me: "Do you have a girlfriend?" (<----something my friends wanted me to ask him)
Him: "Yes but not currently."
Me: *laugh* Yeah, that makes total sense
Him: "What I meant was, I did until a week ago"
Me: thinking: *YES! HE IS SINGLE!!!!!!!* "Oh."
Him: "Do your parents ever get on you for not having a boyfriend?"
Me: "Ha... it's like a family joke. They always ask 'so, how 's the boyfriend?' and I'm all '-_-'."
Him: *laughs*
Me: "Yeah. But if I ever get a boyfriend, they won't know."
Him: "Why?"
Me: "Well, my mom has a weird view on people dating."
Him: "Really? What is it?"
Me: "That uh, people shouldn't date until they're out of college. So I'm like, 'well... I'm not telling you when I get a boyfriend... nor will I tell dad.'" *I also tell him the story of some of the drama that happened over the summer.*
Him: "Well, I fake-dated a girl once just to get my family off my back"
Me: "That's mean... "
But then he kinda just went back to his friends after another side hug. (I totally gave him an extra 'hard' squeeze that time). Oh! And through the whole time we're standing like, shoulder to shoulder. I could feel him right next to me the whole time. I was SOOO tempted to go and hold his hand... but since I really wasn't looking him the eye through the conversation (hey... awkward position for my head. Not my fault) But I didn't... since I was holding a meter stick in my hand... and it was just awkward.
But it was nice. ^^
Anyway, since that whole conversation had me paying more attention to him than our teacher... I just stayed with my partner for extra explanation. And... I still have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow, but I have a pretty darn good idea.
Which left me thinking.... when did he break up with his girlfriend? Lol. Must've been like, RIGHT before I asked him or something... either that or he just rebounds fast... heh.
Any who, I eat lunch with my friend and once I come back from returning my book (that was just a bit overdue...) she was writing and told me about her story... which totally left me in wonder. She's a pretty darn good writer. I really want to read her story soon.
mmm... I really need to stop procrastinating. There were some notes that I should've done for English class... but I lied and made up some notes and still got to work with a group. In truth, for reading I was ahead. Like.... two chapters ish? But yeah, no notes >< I was soooo gonna do them... eventually. :P
Yeah... procrastinating and me are like peanut butter and jelly. We are just best pals. I still get some of the more important things done... so obviously notes wasn't that important to me. And well... neither is studying...
He.. ^^'. I got a 77% on my geography test.... REALLY bad for me. I'm still on the grading system where 77 is like... a D and not a C. Either way, 77 is just not good for me. I'm used to the 80's and up. Seriously, if I had gotten like, an 80, I wouldn't have done too badly for me... meh. Oh well. It wasn't too bad for just studying like, two minutes before the test... and that day was just ever-so-slightly dramatic. (Aka- last thursday... gee... what happened that day? :P). Anyway... not like I'm going to start studying until next year. That year I'm really going to try and be a good student. That's kinda when I should start looking into colleges... since I have NO idea what I want to do right now. It's just floating in space...
Mmmm.... yeah. I think that's just about my day. Had to do a map in geography, but nothing too special or fun. Uhm... yeah. That's just about the whole day in a not-so-short summary. :)
O. M. G.
I think that is about the only thing that has been going through my mind... almost all day.
So I FINALLY got the nerve to do what my friends have been bugging me to do...
Yesterday I was going to, but in the end, time was the only problem...
Before I go on, I guess I should say what I'm talking about. Basically, for the past like, ever, my friends have been bugging me to ask this guy I like to hang out.
And so yesterday I saw him in the halls and I asked to talk to him after school. But... by the end of the day, I realized that I REALLY need to catch the bus. Either that or walk home in the nice cold rain. Yeah, not happening.
So today, in PE, he comes over to me and asks me where I was yesterday. So I tell him and then he asks what I wanted to tell him... and so, FINALLY I said, "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.." (I don't know how I managed to say that without stuttering like, a million times...)
And so I think at first he was a little surprised, but said yes.
So on goes PE class and then we go to science. So, we wait outside because our teacher isn't there yet... so we just talk a little about like when and stuff... and as we're going in... he says that some of his friends thought that when I asked to talk to him yesterday that we were going to like... make out or something... I'm not sure. It was just weird.
I noticed that after I asked, he seemed a lot more like, playful and talkative to me. It was kind of nice, actually.
It was so weird, during lunch he like came up to me, and half hugged me and told me that the number of people was up to 17 (IN A DAY AND A HALF!!!). And my friends looked at me weird... so he goes, "You can explain it to them if you want"...
"Uh... I'd rather not" (haha. Seriously... I said that exactly. I felt like banging my head against a wall at that moment)
So, you know, we finish lunch and then go to our last class, geography. I get into class and study for like, 2 minutes (aka- re-reading my review). And he comes in and tell me... 23 people (??? 6 people in like, 15-25 minutes???)
And then my friend is there, and she has no clue what's going on... so I'm left to explain it to her. (-_-). So awkward.
That was basically my day. Oh-so weird/awkward. I could not BELIEVE it. But it was a pretty good day, so I'm happy with it...
OH- and a side note, I've taken one of my dreams and am trying to make it into a story... :D
I think that is about the only thing that has been going through my mind... almost all day.
So I FINALLY got the nerve to do what my friends have been bugging me to do...
Yesterday I was going to, but in the end, time was the only problem...
Before I go on, I guess I should say what I'm talking about. Basically, for the past like, ever, my friends have been bugging me to ask this guy I like to hang out.
And so yesterday I saw him in the halls and I asked to talk to him after school. But... by the end of the day, I realized that I REALLY need to catch the bus. Either that or walk home in the nice cold rain. Yeah, not happening.
So today, in PE, he comes over to me and asks me where I was yesterday. So I tell him and then he asks what I wanted to tell him... and so, FINALLY I said, "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime.." (I don't know how I managed to say that without stuttering like, a million times...)
And so I think at first he was a little surprised, but said yes.
So on goes PE class and then we go to science. So, we wait outside because our teacher isn't there yet... so we just talk a little about like when and stuff... and as we're going in... he says that some of his friends thought that when I asked to talk to him yesterday that we were going to like... make out or something... I'm not sure. It was just weird.
I noticed that after I asked, he seemed a lot more like, playful and talkative to me. It was kind of nice, actually.
It was so weird, during lunch he like came up to me, and half hugged me and told me that the number of people was up to 17 (IN A DAY AND A HALF!!!). And my friends looked at me weird... so he goes, "You can explain it to them if you want"...
"Uh... I'd rather not" (haha. Seriously... I said that exactly. I felt like banging my head against a wall at that moment)
So, you know, we finish lunch and then go to our last class, geography. I get into class and study for like, 2 minutes (aka- re-reading my review). And he comes in and tell me... 23 people (??? 6 people in like, 15-25 minutes???)
And then my friend is there, and she has no clue what's going on... so I'm left to explain it to her. (-_-). So awkward.
That was basically my day. Oh-so weird/awkward. I could not BELIEVE it. But it was a pretty good day, so I'm happy with it...
OH- and a side note, I've taken one of my dreams and am trying to make it into a story... :D
Dreams galore!!
So I normally don't remember my dreams... but now I've remembered three that I've had in like, four or five days. It's odd, really. One was a pleasant dream. Another was like rejection... not so good. and another was just plain odd. It felt a little like 'Lord of the rings'. And I'm actually going to go through the dreams and see if some key words can give me a meaning. :D
First dream: so I'm on a beach with white sand. and then all of a sudden, the water starts coming in... and so it stops and I'm sitting on a sand dune. The water is clear blue. It's so pretty... and I guess I'm with some people 'cause someone pulls out a worm and throws it into the pool of water... and a cat fish comes out. this happens a few more times and then it just disappears....a few moments later... a panther comes up and someone says that they feel the panther has a strong connection with me (???) but I guess I refuse to listen and I turn my back... and the panther touches its nose to the small of my back and leaves... and I guess there's a fence-type thing around us and there's a dwarf walking around it...
Very weird. Though, I liked it a lot... even though it made me over sleep my alarm.
Key Words/meanings:
Beach- the meeting of two sates of mind. (Sand- rational and mental. Ocean- Irrational, unsteady).
White- Pure, perfection, peace. Or, alternatively, death
Water rising- (unclear) but maybe overwhelming emotions?
Calm, clear blue water- in tune with spirituality, peace of mind, serenity
Worm- weakness, negativity
Catfish- ? Nothing
Panther- lurking danger, power, grace
Back- attitudes, strengths, burdens and stance in the world
Nose- energy, intuition, and wisdom and curiosity
Fence- obstacle or barrier
Dwarf- well-grounded and connected to nature and the earth, may mean an aspect of yourself that is not fully developed or has been repressed
Calm: end or resolution or a conflict
Second dream: my rejection dream is really short and simple... so I'm waiting in a line (idk if it's with someone or not) and I see my crush (or at least someone who looks like him) and he's on crutches. so I go up to him and say "Hi" and all that. then I say something about him being in a cast... and then he goes, "who are you??" and then I realize that it's not him, just someone who looks similar
Very... ouch. I so hope that it does not happen in real life. That would just suck...
Key Words/meaning:
Line- ?
Crush- positive... also means that I will have contact with them soon
Crutches- need to lean on others
Third Dream:apparently I have taken Frodo (main charries) part... and there's this chain of people on a mountain... and someone's like, messing up the chain. I have to find out who and take their spot. So I do... and since we are apparently on a ledge, there's the bad guy underneath the ledge. He kinda looks like the leader bad guy in mulan... except it's completely grey-scaled and his left eye is glowing yellow... 0.o and then it just fades out....
I should've been freaked out by that dream, but I wasn't. It was actually kind of cool.
Key words/meanings:
Chain- need to break away from a routine
Mountain- Major obstacles/ achieved goals
Ledge- ?
Bad Guy/Rival- hesitant in asserting self
Glowing- enlightenment
Yellow- Cowardice (since I'm labeling it as a bad dream)
So I normally don't remember my dreams... but now I've remembered three that I've had in like, four or five days. It's odd, really. One was a pleasant dream. Another was like rejection... not so good. and another was just plain odd. It felt a little like 'Lord of the rings'. And I'm actually going to go through the dreams and see if some key words can give me a meaning. :D
First dream: so I'm on a beach with white sand. and then all of a sudden, the water starts coming in... and so it stops and I'm sitting on a sand dune. The water is clear blue. It's so pretty... and I guess I'm with some people 'cause someone pulls out a worm and throws it into the pool of water... and a cat fish comes out. this happens a few more times and then it just disappears....a few moments later... a panther comes up and someone says that they feel the panther has a strong connection with me (???) but I guess I refuse to listen and I turn my back... and the panther touches its nose to the small of my back and leaves... and I guess there's a fence-type thing around us and there's a dwarf walking around it...
Very weird. Though, I liked it a lot... even though it made me over sleep my alarm.
Key Words/meanings:
Beach- the meeting of two sates of mind. (Sand- rational and mental. Ocean- Irrational, unsteady).
White- Pure, perfection, peace. Or, alternatively, death
Water rising- (unclear) but maybe overwhelming emotions?
Calm, clear blue water- in tune with spirituality, peace of mind, serenity
Worm- weakness, negativity
Catfish- ? Nothing
Panther- lurking danger, power, grace
Back- attitudes, strengths, burdens and stance in the world
Nose- energy, intuition, and wisdom and curiosity
Fence- obstacle or barrier
Dwarf- well-grounded and connected to nature and the earth, may mean an aspect of yourself that is not fully developed or has been repressed
Calm: end or resolution or a conflict
Second dream: my rejection dream is really short and simple... so I'm waiting in a line (idk if it's with someone or not) and I see my crush (or at least someone who looks like him) and he's on crutches. so I go up to him and say "Hi" and all that. then I say something about him being in a cast... and then he goes, "who are you??" and then I realize that it's not him, just someone who looks similar
Very... ouch. I so hope that it does not happen in real life. That would just suck...
Key Words/meaning:
Line- ?
Crush- positive... also means that I will have contact with them soon
Crutches- need to lean on others
Third Dream:apparently I have taken Frodo (main charries) part... and there's this chain of people on a mountain... and someone's like, messing up the chain. I have to find out who and take their spot. So I do... and since we are apparently on a ledge, there's the bad guy underneath the ledge. He kinda looks like the leader bad guy in mulan... except it's completely grey-scaled and his left eye is glowing yellow... 0.o and then it just fades out....
I should've been freaked out by that dream, but I wasn't. It was actually kind of cool.
Key words/meanings:
Chain- need to break away from a routine
Mountain- Major obstacles/ achieved goals
Ledge- ?
Bad Guy/Rival- hesitant in asserting self
Glowing- enlightenment
Yellow- Cowardice (since I'm labeling it as a bad dream)
Alright, so this is just the one place that I'm using to just get everything out. I often have trust issues, so I don't talk to people much... that and I'm just shy. There's some things that I can't really tell anyone. So I might as well tell the world anonymously.
There's nothing much to say about me, or my life. Other than it's really boring. But now that I've starting high school, it's like drama central. I find the pleasure in smallest things now. It seems weird, but that's how I feel like I am right now.
I think A LOT. I have too much time to think... and be inspired. I just zone out... my imagination has a life of its own. It creates for some fun daydreaming.
Anyhow, on to what I've been thinking about lately.
Alright, lets start with the fact that it's only 9-10 weeks into the school year. For a short time, I really felt that this one guy likes/d me. The signs seem blatantly obvious. But, at the same time... I doubt. Does it really mean he likes me? Is he just being friendly?
It's been on my mind constantly. Then, one day I finally added him to my myspace. I didn't expect him to reply back soon, I mean, he told me that he only checks his myspace like, once a month since it crashes his computer. (I'm with him on that boat. I'm barely on mine... only to check messages, mostly). So, I get home from school one day, and he added me.
So, I go check out his profile. Just to get a little insight to who he is. My heart sinks a little when I see in his status, that he is in a relationship. That's been getting me thinking about the week or two that we really interacted. Is it just being friends??
I'm so afraid of asking him if he is dating someone. I know I should... but I don't doubt that he could be. He's a nice guy, and I don't see why a girl would want to pass him up. (Well, unless he's not their type...). So I'm worried. I don't know.
It's things like this that get me to doubt. I'm just not sure. I should be used to rejection by now. If it turns out he doesn't like me... well that'll make things really awkward. We have three classes together. While we don't sit right next to each other... you never know.
Guys. Relationships. Those two things together are forgein. I've been friends with guys, and nothing else. I've had crushes, but never really pursued them. It's always come back to me with a 'no'. I've gotten good at hiding my sad feelings. I never want to go back to the time where I was always sad. It just doesn't seem like 'me' right now. Not with the way I've been feeling lately.
Seriously, I've been feeling like I'm on top of the world lately. I have woken up and just felt horrible some days... but I always look forward to things that I know will happen. I always try to be in a good mood. You never know who is having a lousy day. I just try to keep on smiling... something will happen. :)
Life takes a lot of twists and turns. Your path is never straight or clear-cut. You have to chose... and sometimes you have to double back and try again. There is such a thing as second chances. Every day, you get a chance to be you. To do the right thing. To just take a chance and do something new. To share. To laugh. To brighten someone else's life.
Lately I've been feeling a little different. Something inside me has changed. I feel like I can do anything. I actually feel like I belong. That's a feeling that usually takes months for me to feel. The feeling of belonging is wonderful. Some people take it for granted. I know that I've been uprooted so many times. It takes awhile to feel like people accept me. I've just plunged feet first into a new situation... and I'm starting to get used to it. I'm really getting into the groove.
I also feel like I'm starting to get closer to God. I jsut started confirmation classes. While on a daily basis, I might not FEEL close to God. I know I am. I feel it when I'm in class.
Things have realy been going good. And they're going to get better. I can feel it. I have truly been blessed with people who care. Even if I can't tell them what's going on with my life, I at least know they are there.
Which is my next wondering...
Haha. Seriously I've been wondering why I have such a hard time talking to people. I know I can talk to them. It's just a matter of starting the conversation. It can happen. I know it can. Maybe. The problem happend when you run out of things to talk about... It's already happened with one friend... so it's boring to be around her...
But another friend of mine and I... always have a hard time ending a conversation. It's like we connect. It's hard not to just keep on going. At least we know when we have to stop... and we usually do. But the stories just keep coming. It's hard not to smile and laugh in our conversations.
Though, how can I be so different with these people? With both, I feel like I can be myself and free... but one is just so much more fun to be with. How does that happen? It's like one has a hard time to open up. I just wonder. It was fun at first... but now I'm not too sure...
I hate the feeling of doubt. It makes you think too much on the negatives. I really don't like negative. Not any more. Second-guessing is never a fun thing to do. I hate when it becomes forced on you. You dwell too much on what happened... or what could be changed. Or even what will happen.
Which is why I always just like to live in the present. The past has happened, and you can't change it. The future has yet to happen, so don't plan on it. The present is here and now. Pay attention or it just might pass you by. You'll be left wondering what happened to your life.
It feels like I've been typing on this for awhile, I'm sure it's really long... but I tend to type a lot. Especially when I have a lot on my mind.
Well, if you managed to read all that, you deserve a prize. :D
There's nothing much to say about me, or my life. Other than it's really boring. But now that I've starting high school, it's like drama central. I find the pleasure in smallest things now. It seems weird, but that's how I feel like I am right now.
I think A LOT. I have too much time to think... and be inspired. I just zone out... my imagination has a life of its own. It creates for some fun daydreaming.
Anyhow, on to what I've been thinking about lately.
Alright, lets start with the fact that it's only 9-10 weeks into the school year. For a short time, I really felt that this one guy likes/d me. The signs seem blatantly obvious. But, at the same time... I doubt. Does it really mean he likes me? Is he just being friendly?
It's been on my mind constantly. Then, one day I finally added him to my myspace. I didn't expect him to reply back soon, I mean, he told me that he only checks his myspace like, once a month since it crashes his computer. (I'm with him on that boat. I'm barely on mine... only to check messages, mostly). So, I get home from school one day, and he added me.
So, I go check out his profile. Just to get a little insight to who he is. My heart sinks a little when I see in his status, that he is in a relationship. That's been getting me thinking about the week or two that we really interacted. Is it just being friends??
I'm so afraid of asking him if he is dating someone. I know I should... but I don't doubt that he could be. He's a nice guy, and I don't see why a girl would want to pass him up. (Well, unless he's not their type...). So I'm worried. I don't know.
It's things like this that get me to doubt. I'm just not sure. I should be used to rejection by now. If it turns out he doesn't like me... well that'll make things really awkward. We have three classes together. While we don't sit right next to each other... you never know.
Guys. Relationships. Those two things together are forgein. I've been friends with guys, and nothing else. I've had crushes, but never really pursued them. It's always come back to me with a 'no'. I've gotten good at hiding my sad feelings. I never want to go back to the time where I was always sad. It just doesn't seem like 'me' right now. Not with the way I've been feeling lately.
Seriously, I've been feeling like I'm on top of the world lately. I have woken up and just felt horrible some days... but I always look forward to things that I know will happen. I always try to be in a good mood. You never know who is having a lousy day. I just try to keep on smiling... something will happen. :)
Life takes a lot of twists and turns. Your path is never straight or clear-cut. You have to chose... and sometimes you have to double back and try again. There is such a thing as second chances. Every day, you get a chance to be you. To do the right thing. To just take a chance and do something new. To share. To laugh. To brighten someone else's life.
Lately I've been feeling a little different. Something inside me has changed. I feel like I can do anything. I actually feel like I belong. That's a feeling that usually takes months for me to feel. The feeling of belonging is wonderful. Some people take it for granted. I know that I've been uprooted so many times. It takes awhile to feel like people accept me. I've just plunged feet first into a new situation... and I'm starting to get used to it. I'm really getting into the groove.
I also feel like I'm starting to get closer to God. I jsut started confirmation classes. While on a daily basis, I might not FEEL close to God. I know I am. I feel it when I'm in class.
Things have realy been going good. And they're going to get better. I can feel it. I have truly been blessed with people who care. Even if I can't tell them what's going on with my life, I at least know they are there.
Which is my next wondering...
Haha. Seriously I've been wondering why I have such a hard time talking to people. I know I can talk to them. It's just a matter of starting the conversation. It can happen. I know it can. Maybe. The problem happend when you run out of things to talk about... It's already happened with one friend... so it's boring to be around her...
But another friend of mine and I... always have a hard time ending a conversation. It's like we connect. It's hard not to just keep on going. At least we know when we have to stop... and we usually do. But the stories just keep coming. It's hard not to smile and laugh in our conversations.
Though, how can I be so different with these people? With both, I feel like I can be myself and free... but one is just so much more fun to be with. How does that happen? It's like one has a hard time to open up. I just wonder. It was fun at first... but now I'm not too sure...
I hate the feeling of doubt. It makes you think too much on the negatives. I really don't like negative. Not any more. Second-guessing is never a fun thing to do. I hate when it becomes forced on you. You dwell too much on what happened... or what could be changed. Or even what will happen.
Which is why I always just like to live in the present. The past has happened, and you can't change it. The future has yet to happen, so don't plan on it. The present is here and now. Pay attention or it just might pass you by. You'll be left wondering what happened to your life.
It feels like I've been typing on this for awhile, I'm sure it's really long... but I tend to type a lot. Especially when I have a lot on my mind.
Well, if you managed to read all that, you deserve a prize. :D
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