What is it? How can you tell when your in love? Do teens actually know what love is?
No novel today. Seriously p'oed. :\ May elaborate later... chances are I wont.
edit- OK, so I decided that I'm going to have this convo haunt me. I edit out all names,places and anything that could give away any info. I totally need to get out my frustrations so that stuff will probably follow....
k: hey'
me: hi
k: wat u mean becarful?
me: just sent the text
k: my emotoins messed
me: hey...
these things don't turn out right in HS
k: im in tu school its not like other highschools
and i really like and care about d
me: I know!
you know what...
forget about it
I'm not arguing with you
k: i have way different feelings for d then i had for IS
me: if something bad happens, don't come crying ot me
you told me
I understand that
I know its different
k: i care about and like d so much more
i never was i miss IS all the time like i do with d
me: I get it
seriously, idc what happens with you two
is something bad happens, I don't care. if something good happens, I don't care
that's between you two and who ever else cares
k: thats really nice that u dont care
n cares
ds really oimportent to me and friends shoud care about wats importent to there friends
me: I know it's important to you
k: ds the best thing in my life right now
me: but it's ALL you care about
or so it seems
k: i love it at school because ds here.
me: I know that
I kinda figure
you can never wait until school starts
and you hate to go home
k: i know that
me: I get it
k: i dont like it at home my dads an asshole a lot of the time with trying to get me o do chores and shit
me: that's how parents are!
k: but i hate it at home i love it here
and here i have d which makes it ever more great
me: ...
I KNOW that
but your parents should be first in your life
you should want to be with them
No guy should EVER come before your family unless it's GOd or Jesus
k: i dont want to be with them i was homeschool all my life im sick of them
me: God**
It doesn't matter!
I would rather my parents homeschool me
k: I never said that i care about d more then like my mom but i have to love my parents and family, i dont have to love d but i think i might. i dont like being aroud my parents
i LOVE being with d
k: i never wanna be homeschool again
me: and stop saying that
well, I understand that
and I can see why
I've been pushed out of the house everyday to go to school
dude, I hate it too
I don't want to do it, but I have not
k: what makes u the happyest right now ijn lofe?
me: to**
except maybe going to choir
I'm honestly not that happy right now in my life
the only time I"ve felt worse was when I was in 6th grade
I was happy back when I was little
back when I had my friends
k: D like the only thing keepoing me happy
me: back when my family didn't have problems
k: keeping**
me: obviously
only my friends are keeping my happy.
or at least somewhat happy
k: i hate being at home it fucking sucks, i dont like being at school that much if ds not here
me: then you got major issues
you need to get them sorted out
k: wat u mean?
me: I love being at home and at school
you should like to be at home
school should be your home away from home... not your home
k: well at school its just me and n or me and AN or me AN and n
or if ds at school then im with him
hes the best thing in my life right now and has been for the past month
schools was really nices today cause were kissing in front of AN and the adults here
me: that's not something you should be proud of
k: we didt make out today but stiull it was really nice
me: or happy about...
k: i like kissing d it male sme happy
hes the only guy ive ever kissed only guy thats liked me back
hes the only thing thats keeping me happy
me: dude...
that's not right
k: like im happy with like friends like C and stuff but im really happy when im with d. or if ive been around d
me: he shouldn't be the only thing that's making you happy
k: i have other friends that make me happy but not as much as d odse
me: ok, that's fine...
but... it's not really RIGHT
at least, not to me
I'm sorry...
but I can't imagine a guy making me happier than my friends or family... except when I'm like married or something
which we all know will not happen for another like... 30+ years
k: well dost wat ive been saying about d tell u how much i care about him?>
me: yes it does
but it's not right in my eyes
you should care for your parents more than a guy
k: u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad
me: what the heck does that have to do with it?!?!
it means that when I crush on a guy, I really take the time to know and LIKE them!!!!
if you fall for every guy, you lose the meaning of love!
I'm not saying you do
me: I'm not saying you haven't
I'm just saying, it's not right to say that just because I don't crush easily ifs a justifiable argument
it takes a lot for me to crush
k: i know a lot of guys that i dont have the bf feelings for that only thinl are hot and some are just my freinds and i dont like them in the cute way..... i liked IS cause he was cute and i kinda missed him.. it took me a wile to figure out i like d it hit me all of a suddent and now were kinda together
me: I get that
I see your point
but it just freakin' bugs me when it's all you talk about
k: i like him that much i cafre about him so much
me: I know
see ya
Dude.... A good portion of that did not piss me off. It's just that she was so repetitive with the 'I care about him' and stuff, agreed?
But what REALLY rubbed me the wrong way was when she said: "u ont crusch on guys easyly u dont understad" that just pissed me off so bad! It's true, but it's totally out of context!!!
Just erg... *headdesk*
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