
It's been awhile since I've had this much fun. And played a board game. Awesome day. (Even if the beginning was a little boring.).

I finally had a friend come over. First time since... ever I think since I moved here. I think I'm definitely taking a step in the 'social' direction. Which I think amazes me and my sister!

Mmm, and pizza! Yum. It's been awhile since I've had that pizza. It's good. :D

And... I swear, I think I'm about to be in/in a growth spurt. I've been so hungry lately... and tired (but mostly from getting up early/ not falling asleep). I don't want to psyche myself out. (I REALLY wanna grow). But I think I'm just at this height for the rest of my life. Oh well. So it goes. But it's not like 'short' genes run in the family. Most everyone is either tall or average! Gar. I got the short end of the stick... ahah. Lame pun, I know!

I am oh-so-excited to start an RP soon. It seems like it'd be tons of fun. I haven't RP'ed in awhile either. So, this could be really good. I hope so!


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