Friday was totally awesome! There was a pep rally 'cause our football team got into the state championships... (we lost though). So I got to miss a good portion of my first period and shortened second period... then for third, headed over to the dress rehearsal.
It was really cool and I'm happy that I got to go! It was fun.... but we got back in time to go to 6th period-which we were originally going to miss.... but I went ahead and ditched because I was excused from that class anyway. :D and I got to rub it in one friend's face... ('cause I went to go get a book to study for a test [I did not study, btw] and so... my locker is right by that class....)
And then I walked home with a friend and went over to her house and had some fun. I got to burn off some energy because I was SO hyper! I am not kidding you, I could not have stayed still... and I got to run which I think totally burned out some energy...
mmm then.... I got home... and... my niece and sister were home! I never get to see them, so it was great having them over. And my niece is a little energy ball! And she's TINY! Dude... she totally takes after me with the shortness, cold hands.... and I would love to believe eyes... ('cause they are CUTE!)
Then, yesterday... was the choir performance. I did not have any butterflies. At all. That's a first, I always have butterflies before I perform... :\
But I heard my little niece laughing once or twice while I was on stage... and it was great to have a good portion of my family there to see me. :) I loved it! But, eventually, my parents and nice went because she was getting very tired and fussy... but she had the best timing with her laughs. :P
Mmm.... yeah, so we stayed to the end... and by that time (10:00) I was tired and ready to go home...
Then today... ugh... the tiredness got to me... and so I was kinda snippy, but I guess I'll live. Things have been really awesomely awesome!
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