

Mmm... so last night I went to my friend's belated birthday party. It was really awesome. I loved it and had TONS of fun. I think that it just reaffirmed my good mood and I hope to stay that way for many more weeks. :)

I am so out of it when I'm sleep deprived. I seem to be getting less sleep but still function relatively well. I guess the summer of very bad sleep patterns sort of helped me out. But I would love a night were I sleep straight through all the way until 6:40 AM and wake up not that sleepy. Not going to happen anytime soon, I guess...

Anyway, back to yesterday. I'm up at like... oh boy, I don't even remember. But I know by like 9. My sister goes out and runs errands for most of the day. Joy... so I was bored for most of my day. Even though I knew I should've done homework... it didn't happen. I just kinda went, "Bah. Tomorrow"

My sister gets home... and she has her hair dyed. :\... Dude... she goes and gets her hair dyed and cut while I haven't even gotten a trim in MONTHS. DUDE! But now I can't call her a blonde :(. Well, as my friend's family puts it, she's a pineapple now: Brown on the outside, yellow on the inside. Haha.

Basically, at four I'm over at my friend's party... and well... it was just super fun. Rock band basically the whole night (I SO need to take mine and start playing again...I sucked SO bad). With breaks to go to the park and eat and stuff. It's nice to know that I'm not the only vegetarian around.... and it's been forever since I've had a veggie burger... hmm.... we should have some for dinner sometime....

It was so funny when we went to the park, we played hide-and-seek and first round, me and a group of other people (almost half if not more) just ditched and went back to the house. Then it consisted of my group trying to find a place to hide and we eventually deiced to hide in a little kiddy house... Haha. It was so stuffed and hot. But so worth it once they found us like, 5 minutes later.

After more just messing around, she opened her presents. Most of them cards, but I mean, honestly, who would not want cash on their b-day?? Lol. So, I'm sure she was happy with what she got.

Then cake.... :D. My motto, "Cake is cake". It doesn't matter what kind, I'll most likely eat it. Unless it's like fruit cake or something. Then it's like... eewwww.

So I get a slice of carrot cake (it was neglected... :( I felt bad for it). It was pretty good.... except the frosting tasted a little weird, but hey... it was still good.

More messing around... went out side and did a little basket ball. Then was the pinata. The first person knocked the string connecting off, so then the rope was tied around the head... and then the HEAD got knocked off... So they ductape it together. Just in time for MY turn. So I basically have the hardest one...

But it eventually does get completely torn apart. You couldn't even tell what it was anymore! (In the beginning it was spiderman).

After that we continue watching Dane Cook... and by like 10:15 I'm the last person (who is NOT related) still there. ^^'. Haha. So I call my sister to come pick me up and by the time I'm home it's like 10:20.

I'm in bed by like 10:40-ish. Not asleep until who KNOWS when. (Though my guess is that by 11:30 I was asleep).

Whew. Long night, eh? But it was so fun. And of course... I was the odd one out because I only had like.... two sprites while everyone else had like... 3+. Seriously, I just barely finished my second soda while we were doing the pinata. Ah well, I guess I'm not much of a soda person.

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