Friend: Hell yeah, ima miss you girl.
Me: Im gonna miss all of you guys like crazy. Life just won't be the same when I don't have someone spouting out perverted jokes all the time!
Friend: Yeah, to be truthful ima miss you the most. you really became my closest friend
Me: <3. Thank you. but it feels like we're saying good bye and we're not just yet (aka, this is making me cry). but i'll definitely miss you lots. life just will not be the same, I'll only have a third of my brain trio around.
Friend: awwwwwwwww. I love you liz.
Me: lol. Love ya too <3
So apparently I haven't posted for a month. Is there a reason? Sure, it's called a life. I had a week off for spring break, a week of school, then another week off for testing. So lots of time off.
I can't say that anything too interesting has happened lately. Spring break was alright, did a lot of nothing. Finally started working on something that I needed to for awhile. Got a nice hefty scholarship done, but probably won't win. But oh well.
Last week was.... fun. I had a lot of time off, but also spent a lot of time with friends. I managed to finish season six of criminal minds. One last season to go!
I started to learn how to drive stick. It didn't end well because my friends got competitive and did stupid things. In a school parking lot. Yeah, not the best thing in the world. But you know what, I've stopped caring. My punishment, being guilty by association, was three days morning detention. It sucked because I usually sleep in, but for the most part it was OK. I got lots of reading done. My friends? 5 days suspension and like 10 community service hours. So yeah, they got hit hard.
While they've been out, I've been so lonely. I miss 'em like crazy and in the mean time, have been texting them. The conversation at the beginning was one that I had last night and it really got me thinking about how in five weeks, we're gonna be gone. I won't be able to see most of my friends anymore. It's kinda sad and scary. It seems like we're gonna pack in as much 'together' time as we can before we have to split ways. I'm probably going to be a mess when we finally graduate.
I've been so lazy these past few days. I should be working on stuff/homework right now, but I have NO motivation. Hopefully I get it all done during the weekend. It may be Easter, but I need something to do. I'm hoping I also sleep this weekend.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
-- Philemon 1:25
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