
Just a little post today, seeing as I haven't updated in awhile.

We did filming for a movie at my house on Friday. That was hectic and really kinda stressful. I was not happy by the end of it and had to kick everyone out. I felt bad about it, but I needed to be away from people. I wasn't even in any of the scenes, so it was a bit pointless.

Saturday was anti-winterball and that was fun. We watched Jurassic Park and The Matrix... while I tried to pass out. I couldn't and got kinda sick. I got super feverish and it sucked. But whatever. I managed. I got better for the second half so it was all good.

One of my friends is an epic sleep talker/walker and so we had fun messing with him. However, I took it upon myself to make sure that he didn't get latched on to someone or hurt himself. So I some shit happened to me that was not fun... like almost getting strangled. However, it all worked out in the end. And some hilarious conversations ensued.

I have become the therapist/love guru for the group. I have helped 4 people with their relationship problems over the weekend. It's interesting, knowing everyone's secrets. It also sucks because I have to be careful what I say to certain people. Though, I guess that's why everyone trusts me. I don't blab these things. I hardly even mention it. I keep things to myself, and I try to advise people as best I can. I say some stupid stuff most of the time, but I guess I do help people when it matters.

I'm just glad that people trust me enough to open up their feelings to me and relate their private lives. It's nice to be trusted, I think.

Anyhow... school. Ugh. It's been going. I've slipped a little in my classes, but I don't really know what to do about that. I'll just have to try as hard as I can.

How 'bout that superbowl? I didn't mean to watch it, but I ended up getting sucked in to it.

I've become a tumblr addict. I hate to say it... but it gives me something to do. Which sucks that I do that. But at least I know I can drop it no problem, unlike facebook.

I had lost three pounds. Then I gained most of it back this weekend because of all that food. I'm sure today did not help. Alas, I can start again tomorrow. It's my goal to be down to 130 by may. Somewhere in the neighborhood of like 10 pounds. So.... can it be done? Sure. will it be? We'll find out.

*yawwwn* yeah, I haven't slept this weekend. I didn't get to bed until... dunno... around 11 on Friday night, then 1AM on Saturday/Sunday, and the Sunday was the normal somewhere between 10 and midnight. I hate not sleeping. It sucks. Oh well. Someday....

OH! I've also been fleshing out a back story for my DnD character, Aryanis. It's going well so far. I still have a butt-load of editing to do before it's awesome and amazing.

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for
the sheep.
-- John 10:11

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

I am excited this is all very exciting! I'd love to hear more of this character of yours? And I'm sorry about the sleeping. I kinda know what you mean, a little, with this weekend... *hug* I hope to chat with you soon! Lovely verse, btw. :) <3

(Also, your advice is ALWAYS good. Always.)