
Now that NaNo is not eating my soul (50,038 words this year) maybe I have some time to reflect...

November... what a crazy month.

Started a job. (That sucks butt, by the way)

Celebrated a birthday.


Wrote a novel.

A slip in my grades. (But they're back up now- I have 5 A's and 2 B's- with my lowest grade being an 83, and the other easily able to be pulled up).

It's... pretty awesome. I feel like this month went by fast.

Thanksgiving... was OK. I mean, I worked on Thanksgiving day and cried a lot.

But I saw my niece, so that made it more worthwhile.

I dunno. I'm feeling spacey. I'll call it quits for right now.

Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives
of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
-- Psalm 97:10

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

Crazy month! Geez! That's pretty awesome though, everything that you've done. :) That's really great. *hug* LYLAS! I really want to read your nano novel, honestly, and I promise I'll finish it this year. :)