
Oh boy... I think I have a happier rant today, that's not about school.

A few days ago, my sister's boyfriend started calling us a family. It's mostly a joke, I think. I mean, if you think about it, we are like a family. My sister is basically my mom, and like her boyfriend is a step dad. My sister makes all the rules and is the enforcer in the family, and he's pretty laid back and fun. Anyhow...

We were eating fondue and pistachio pudding and he apparently remembered this thing where you try to hit someone with a wooden spoon that's in your mouth. The whole idea is that, the person in the middle actually tries to hit the person on their side with a spoon, and when the person they were hitting does it, the OTHER person hits the person in the middle really hard with the spoon, making them think it's possible to hit hard :P. It's actually a lot easier to see it done than explained. But it was SO bad. I was laughing so much I started crying. Which is just the stress breaker I needed from all the history notes I was taking.

However, I have been dumped with new responsibilities. I have to make dinner every Monday night, and do a load of laundry every weekend. On top of this I'm going to be doing school (I'm trying to stay as on top of it as I can), and church choir. Stress GALORE.

I guess we'll see how that goes...

But yeah... I'm starting to get used to what is. I'm still panicked about this up coming year.

I'm ready for it to be Friday so I can have the weekend! YES. Ugh. It's only been three days. I'm already sick of ice-breaker games. I don't need to know everyone's names in the class. It's just not going to happen, I'm sorry. I'm not going to make new friends within the first week.... I'm lucky to make friends within the first six weeks. I don't socialize well... I'm a lonely creature. Ah well... whatever.

his is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and
sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.
-- 1 John 4:10

1 comment:

Aly K. said...

I love that verse, by the way. It sounds like you have really great family, Lizzie. And that is a lot of stress. But I know you can do this. I LYLAS! God bless. :)