
Day Three: Bravado
Name: Nikolai Titov
Age: 21
Sex: M
Born: June 3, 1848
Died: August 20, 1869
Nikolai was born under a dark sky, just shortly after one in the morning. He was the third son, and fifth child of the Titov family. They lived in a bustling village many miles away from Moscow. He was born a normal, healthy baby. Nikolai had wisps of bright blond hair and dazzling blue eyes.

He grew up as a normal child. Or so it seemed to everyone else. He laughed and he played. He studied hard when he needed to. He helped when he was called to, and sometimes when he wasn't. He lived a childhood filled with scraped knees and hard work. His hands became calloused as he grew older, doing hard work on the farms. Nikolai was the youngest of the family. He was babied by his older siblings but was raised to be a man. He learned quickly that real men never show something is wrong.

He married at the age of 18, and died only days before their third anniversary. Nikolai never had any children. However, he was completely devoted to his wife. She never married again.

Nikolai was turning into a very handsome man. He had a tall, lanky stature, reaching almost six feet. He had long hands, roughened from working long days in the fields. Nikolai's blond hair at birth slowly turned brown. His blue eyes became hazel. He had a strong jaw and full lips. As Nikolai grew older, his eyes grew more and more almond shaped.

Most importantly, he died with a secret. Most men do. But this secret what something he never told anyone. It was his heart. There were moments where it began to race, as if he run the entire way to the school and back. Even more frightening, he could feel the blood pulsing through his body. The first time he felt this, he was still a boy. Only 13. However, at that point he knew real men didn't show anything was wrong. So, he kept it a secret.

As he grew up, the mysterious heart problems had lapses. Some times he would go months without and episode. Some times he had an episode up to five times a month. It hurt, but he didn't know what to do. He worried someday he would die of this. Once he was married, he was determined to live his life, to be there for his wife. He also pledged to be there for his child, but he never got to.

During mid August, Nikolai took his wife and moved into the city. He hoped for a better opportunity. On the way there, they were met with some thieves. Nikolai fought them off as bravely as he could. He was shaking with fear inside. He did not want his wife hurt. The thieves ran off, unable to grab anything valuable. Nikolai had serious wounds. His wife did her best to bandage them up. They continued onto their destination. They rushed to find a hospital. However, it ended up being too late.

Not once did he complain to his wife of the horrible pain that was wracking his body constantly after the attack. After the doctor examined him, he fell asleep in the bed, feeling a wave of relaxation. His pain ebbed away as he drifted off. He was never woken up.
And that is a short character profile. I almost feel bad for him... and I've only worked with Nikolai for a few hours. I may never need him, but it will be nice to have this. It'll help me create profiles in the future.

Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from
there, the Lord Jesus Christ.
-- Philippians 3:20

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