So, here's what I was thinking about in the car a few minutes ago. "Why do I still trudge through my life everyday?" It's a depressing question, but I wonder. I'm no where near smart enough, courageous enough, or even innovative enough to really make a difference in the world. I mean, I'd like to become a forensic scientist, but I don't think the chances of that happening is very high.
I mean, my life right now is meaningless. I mean, I have friends, but... they really never hang out with me. I can read, and I can write, but... what is it for? It's just to keep myself from going insane with boredom. Honestly, if I died within this year, my impact would not be that big. I've done nothing.
This does sound depressing, I know. I'm just thinking. I guess I feel kind of lost. Maybe that talk I had last night did something to me. I.... I am feeling more reflective. I'm really wondering about everything. What do I know? Why has God put me on this earth? I must have a great future coming because so far, it's done nothing.
Well, almost nothing. I'd rather not go into it, but I'm sure that I, myself, am the cause of all my stress in my life. Every bad thing has happened because of myself. I'm positive.
I think I should also go sleep so I wake up happier tomorrow. I mean, staying up til two AM is fun, but I'd rather not do it often.
I'll pray for you, Lizzie. Please think about that. I know you have a great future; God put you on the earth for a reason, even if you don't know it yet. No matter what you do, if it's for Him, it'll be great. Your life is not meaningless. Whatever's going on, or not going on, God is there for you. And I'm here too. LYLAS, Lizzie. God bless.
:) Thanks. I think I was just having a somewhat bad night.
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