
Had some interesting dreams last night...

Well... I can remember two.

The first one: I apparently ran away from home. I think I just got really frustrated with my sister (which... isn't really surprising). And one day while she was gone I just left. I think I ran away to a park... but I remember there were tables with bright red parallelograms. I also remember doing a puzzle and being frustrated with that. Then my sister calls the place I'm at (which... somehow seemed to turn into an office-type room).... And then.... I think I go home. (er.. walk home I think). And then my sister and I argue again.... I think.

Heh... yeah. It was a weird dream....

Second one: I think I'm on the campus of my school. There's some trees and it's somewhat grassy. Anyway... I'm there with my boyfriend and various people. And... we're talking, and I vaguely remember someone asking if we were still going out. Both of us are silent a moment... but before either of us answer... someone asks him if he still loved me/something along those lines... and he was like... "No" and some other things. I wasn't at all too surprised and took the chance to kinda sorta... break up with him. (Which is something I need to do in real life. :\)

But yeah... two very odd dreams that I only vaguely remember. Heh.....


Aly K. said...

Interesting. I think... maybe you need to get the breaking up going, if you're so troubled about all of it. *sigh*

katara5 said...

Yeah.. I think you can tell what my subconcious is focusing on. I REALLY need to... Hmmm....

Aly K. said...

Yeah, subconcious... what a lovely thing. o.o

katara5 said...

Oh yes, *very* lovely. :P

Aly K. said...

Very, very. xP

Your blog gives interesting word verifications. XD

katara5 said...

Thank you...?

Aly K. said...

Heheh... lol. Heh.

"Ingre". Very interesting. B-) Annnnddd... I got a bunch of other ones, but I don't remember them. XD Sorry.

katara5 said...


Haha. Niiiiice