

I am way to smart for my own good. I act so stupid... but at the same time.... I'm smart. Like... way smart.

I could do SO much if I applied myself. Like.. oh.. get an A in math!? Gah....

But, anyway.... I got a 28 out of 36 on a practice ACT test (without the essay, mind you).

That's about the same score my sister got when she took it.... as a junior.

I'm a freshman.


Something is very wrong.

VERY WRONG. Oh well. I guess it happens.

My best section...? The science, of course.

*is still wondering how she got a 111% on the final...* (yes it was curved by a lot. Like.... 10% I think? That's the only one that seems resonable. Unless I got points factored in from the game we played before hand.... but still. A very high score)

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